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losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

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  • #16
    Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

    Ram I want to kkep in there is the
    Corsair CM 2048-8500C5D
    this is from the Corsair site:

    <table class="professional" id="ctl00_ctl00_cpBodyCode_cpSubBodyCode_dgProduct Memo ry" style="width: 97%; border-collapse: collapse;" rules="all" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr class="configurator-featured-alternating_style"><td>TWIN2X4096-8500C5DF</td><td>DDR2-1066 (Dominator-8500C5*4GB*SLI)</td><td>4GB Kit (2 x 2GB)</td><td>5-5-5-15-2T</td><td>2.1


    • #17
      Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

      hello ? have been runnng a stable systembut I need to but back the 4 gif sticks. I will need help with voltage ane the like, not an OC type :-)


      • #18
        Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

        Hello, were you able to check the memory settings ? Note they have a capacity of going 1333
        The Gigabyte site states that this mobo can run at fsb 1600 ?

        Cheers C


        • #19
          Re: losing my relegion or are 10 drives too much?

          You're confusing FSB speed with RAM speed. Totally different thing. FSB 1600 = 400MHz as set in BIOS, as Intel chips run on a quad-pumped bus (they can send 4 bits of data on a single clock cycle). That base clock of 400MHz is sent to the RAM via the RAM multiplier, which is not necessarily 4 (usually lower than that as DDR2 doesn't go that high). The Q6600 runs on a 333MHz base clock, so that's FSB 1066 at default speed.

          Also that RAM will never ever run 1333 no matter what you do to it.

          Anyway, GET THAT RAM REPLACED. I had a lot of issues with the very same RAM, i sent 'em back and the replacements are fine.

          Also, onboard raid sucks. FFS, if you need all that storage to be SAFE, get a dedicated RAID card. And don't ever mention Dell on a forum about real computers.
          Last edited by Th3_uN1Qu3; 04-04-2009, 12:58 PM.
          Pro hardware technician for PC, Laptop and Sound equipment.

