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Overclocking a Q6600 on a GA-EP45C-DS3R

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  • Overclocking a Q6600 on a GA-EP45C-DS3R

  • #2
    Re: Overclocking a Q6600 on a GA-EP45C-DS3R

    What do you get in Memset for that Auto Static tRead? That could be holding you back, what you see in the BIOS is not always what you get in windows

    Yes, you can go above 1.5 actual, and some CPU's need it. But you may not, have you tried less Vtt and or Less MCH Voltage? I would think you would not need that much MCH Voltage at that FSB, and it may be giving you issues

    And that much ram voltage is also likely to give you errors, you have it underclocked with loose timings so you for sure do not need more then the spec amount. I would set that to 2.1V for sure as you likely do not even need that amount.

    Other then those thoughts, and maybe more Vcore and or more/less Vtt you may need to adjust your MCH Ref voltages and while doing so try more/less Vtt. See my signature for a link on how to go about doing that. If you do go there, try .70-.84, but you must read the link do not just go setting that amount because that is NOT how it works

