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GA-EP45-ud3p need help with an overclock

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  • GA-EP45-ud3p need help with an overclock

    Hi I have an E8500 (E0 Stepping) on a GA-EP45-UD3P (BIOS F8) with Crucial Ballistix 2x2G... With a monster Zerotherm 120mm cooler.

    I'm getting stuck on overclocking the cpu and am in need of some help.. I have the memory stable @ 500

    with these settings

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    MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
      Robust Graphics Booster ...............:       Auto
      CPU Clock Ratio ..........................:        7
      Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.     5
      CPU Frequency ...........................:       3.75Ghz
      Clock Chip Control 
      Standard Clock Control
      CPU Host Clock Control..................: [Enabled] 
      CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............: 500 Mhz
      PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:100
      C.I.A.2 .................................:[Disabled]
      Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
      CPU Clock Drive...........................:  [800mV]   (default)
      PCI Express Clock Drive.................: [900mV] (default)
      CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................:   [0ps]         (default)
      MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................:   [0ps] (default)
      DRAM Performance Control
      Performance Enhance...................: [Standard]
      Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: [Disabled]
      (G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: [Auto]
      System Memory Multiplier ..............: [2.00D]
      Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 500   1000
      DRAM Timing Selectable ................: [Manual]
      Standard Timing Control
      CAS Latency Time........................5
      tRCD .........................................5
      Advanced Timing Control
      Command Rate (CMD) ....................:2 
      Driving Strength Profiles
      Driving Strength ............................1060Mhz
      Channel A
      Static tRead Value.........................:9 [Auto]
       tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:<<< Leave for all below as well
      tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
       tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
       tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
      Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto 
      Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
      Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
      Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto 
      Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
      Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
      DDR Write Training..........................:Auto
      Channel B
      Static tRead Value.........................:9 [Auto]
       tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:<<< Leave for all below as well
      tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
       tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
       tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
      Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto 
      Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
      Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
      Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto 
      Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
      Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
      DDR Write Training..........................:Auto
      Motherboard Voltage Control
      Load-Line Calibration.........................: [Disabled]  (default)
      CPU Vcore�.���.........................:1.25000V 
      CPU Termination�...........................:1.200V
      CPU PLL�������..................:1.500V
      CPU Referen.����.....................:0.760V
      MCH Core�����.....1.100V...........: [1.260V]
      MCH Reference�.��.0.800V...........; [0.720V]
      MCH/DRAM Ref.�......0.900V...........: [Normal]  <<< Leave
      ICH I/O������.....1.5500V...........: [1.5700V]
      ICH Core����...��1.100V............: [1.2000V] 
      DRAM Voltage ��....1.800V............: 2.000V
      DRAM Termination .�0.900V............: <<< Leave
      Channel A Reference 0.900V............: <<< Leave
      Channel B Reference 0.900V............: <<< Leave
      Advanced Settings
      Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [Disabled]
      No-Execute Memory Protect............: [Enabled]
      CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [Enabled]
      C2/C2E State Support....................: [Enabled]
      x C4/C4E State Support..................: [Enabled]
      CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [Enabled]
      CPU EIST Function.........................: [Disabled]
      Virtualization Technology................: [Enabled] Enabled if you use Vmware/Virtual PC
      Integrated Peripherals
      Legacy USB Storage Detect ..............[Enabled] *Note* Must be enabled to flash from USB

    So I took the stock 3.125Ghz CPU with stock cpu voltages to 3.75Ghz without issue.... Yes I am ecstatic!!
    But I got the speed bug... and I need to know what this baby can do on good air-cooling..

    Here is the problem.. I keep incrementing my Vcore by one step.. and I can get windows to boot.. but then it crashes or prime95 gives a rounding error. Even after tons of reading I still don't get how to bump Vcore, Vtt, CPUpll, and CPUref. I went all the way from Vcore =1.250 to 1.320 in the BIOS.. and it's not happy.

    My Core temps are @ 55 degrees C... which seems odd.. because they were higher @ stock speed. All while under prime95 testing.. maybe the thermal past had to setup...

    Can someone help a Noob?

  • #2
    Re: GA-EP45-ud3p need help with an overclock

    Which Crucial Do you have, 2.0V or 2.2V rated sticks? I ask because if it is the 2.0V rated ones I have posted Several speeds in my review, maybe that could help you as well? See my signature for review link

    What are you trying to get to anyway? I need to know before I advise

    I do advise you leave all Ref voltages set to Auto until you know more about them. Setting them to values you see is not advised either. Set Auto for sure if you do not have knowledge of how to mess with them, and even once you do know more you need to be a little more stable before you even think about them


    • #3
      Re: GA-EP45-ud3p need help with an overclock

      I have the dual sided 2.0V ones.. they are supposed to be the better ones for over clocking, from what I read.

      I am shooting for 4.25Ghz .. but anything 4Ghz and up works. I would really like to be able to say I have a 1Ghz+ overclock.. but I am not willing to fry it to get there.



      Originally posted by Lsdmeasap View Post
      Which Crucial Do you have, 2.0V or 2.2V rated sticks? I ask because if it is the 2.0V rated ones I have posted Several speeds in my review, maybe that could help you as well? See my signature for review link

      What are you trying to get to anyway? I need to know before I advise

      I do advise you leave all Ref voltages set to Auto until you know more about them. Setting them to values you see is not advised either. Set Auto for sure if you do not have knowledge of how to mess with them, and even once you do know more you need to be a little more stable before you even think about them
      Last edited by dvohwinkel; 04-06-2009, 11:07 PM.


      • #4
        Re: GA-EP45-ud3p need help with an overclock

        Also the GA-EP45-UD3P is a rev 1.1 with bios F8. I popped off the NB cover and mosfet heat sink covers.. I have a fan pointed at them. I also used AntecSilver on the NB.
        Last edited by dvohwinkel; 04-06-2009, 11:13 PM.


        • #5
          Re: GA-EP45-ud3p need help with an overclock

          WHY Did you remove the heatsink covers? I hope you just mean the blue plates, if so that is ok.

          Those are the Crucial I reviewed, and yes they overclock VERY Well!

          Here, start with 4Ghz (I guess you did not check out my review eh? 4Ghz settings are posted in the review for these modules) >>>

          MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
          Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto or Fast
          CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8

          Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:. 0

          CPU Frequency ...........................: 4Ghz

          Clock Chip Control
          Standard Clock Control
          CPU Host Clock Control..................: [Enabled]
          CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............: 500 Mhz
          PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:100

          C.I.A.2 .................................:[Disabled]

          Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
          CPU Clock Drive...........................: [800mV] (default)
          PCI Express Clock Drive.................: [900mV] (default)
          CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: [0ps] (default)
          MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: [0ps] (default)

          DRAM Performance Control
          Performance Enhance...................: [Standard]
          Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: [Disabled]
          (G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: [Auto]
          System Memory Multiplier ..............: [2.00D]
          Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 500 1000
          DRAM Timing Selectable ................: [Manual]

          Standard Timing Control
          CAS Latency Time........................5
          tRCD .........................................5

          Advanced Timing Control
          Command Rate (CMD) ....................:2

          Driving Strength Profiles
          Driving Strength ............................1060Mhz

          Channel A
          Static tRead Value.........................:9 [Auto] Set 9 manually, then work your way down
          tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:<<< Leave for all below as well
          tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
          tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
          tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
          Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
          Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
          Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
          Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
          Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto ps
          Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto ps
          DDR Write Training..........................:Auto

          Channel B
          Static tRead Value.........................:9 [Auto] Set 9 manually, then work your way down
          tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:<<< Leave for all below as well
          tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
          tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
          tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
          Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
          Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
          Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
          Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
          Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto ps
          Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto ps
          DDR Write Training..........................:Auto

          Motherboard Voltage Control
          Load-Line Calibration.........................: [Disabled] (default)
          CPU Vcore….……….........................:1.25000V << Way more, start with maybe 1.35/1.38 and then work your way down
          CPU Termination…...........................:1.200V << Start with 1.3-1.35
          CPU PLL…………………..................:1.500V << 1.55-1.58
          CPU Referen.………….....................:0.760V << Auto

          MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: [1.260V] << Less may be better
          MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; [0.720V] << Auto or if you know how to set then fine, if not put in auto or see the link in my signature
          MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: [Normal] <<< Leave
          ICH I/O……………….....1.5500V...........: [1.5700V]
          ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: [1.2000V]

          DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 2.000V << Set 2.05
          DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: <<< Leave
          Channel A Reference 0.900V............: <<< Leave
          Channel B Reference 0.900V............: <<< Leave

          Advanced Settings
          Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [Disabled]
          No-Execute Memory Protect............: [Enabled]
          CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [Enabled] << Disable
          C2/C2E State Support....................: [Enabled] << Disable
          x C4/C4E State Support..................: [Enabled] << Disable
          CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [Enabled]
          CPU EIST Function.........................: [Disabled]
          Virtualization Technology................: [Enabled] Enabled if you use Vmware/Virtual PC

          Integrated Peripherals
          Legacy USB Storage Detect ..............[Enabled] *Note* Must be enabled to flash from USB


          • #6
            Re: GA-EP45-ud3p need help with an overclock

            Ya just the blue plates you recommended removing in one of your guides. I also replaced the thermal pad on the NB with a good thermal paste. I read your review of the memory in your sig. That's how I got to a stable 500fsb! Awesome reviews and guides btw. Now I have to read them a fourth time to see how I could have missed the cpu stuff.. must have been in the pictures.. argh! :)

            I see you never seem to recommend changing..

            Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
            CPU Clock Drive...........................: [800mV] (default)
            PCI Express Clock Drive.................: [900mV] (default)
            CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: [0ps] (default)
            MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: [0ps] (default)

            Any cases were you would recommend it?

            Also for the Vcore and Vtt.. is the general rule to set Vtt to ~ 0.05 - 0.1 below Vcore?

            And the CPUpll... should I make it some relationship of Vcore? Man if someone could create a program that would say try this.. does it work? no then try this next... yes.. then back this off this amount.. did that work.. etc.. etc..

            This seems more like a art form! You are an artist Lsdmeasap!


            Originally posted by Lsdmeasap View Post
            WHY Did you remove the heatsink covers? I hope you just mean the blue plates, if so that is ok.

            Those are the Crucial I reviewed, and yes they overclock VERY Well!

            Here, start with 4Ghz (I guess you did not check out my review eh? 4Ghz settings are posted in the review for these modules) >>>
            Last edited by dvohwinkel; 04-07-2009, 04:52 PM.


            • #7
              Re: GA-EP45-ud3p need help with an overclock

              I lost stability @ 500 FSB (2.0D, and 7x multiplier) when I lowered the MCH Core below 1.26 .


              • #8
                Re: GA-EP45-ud3p need help with an overclock

                Lsdmeasap and Gang...

                I failed... I can do 3.75Ghz with stock voltages.. but I can't even get 4Ghz with

                MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
                  Robust Graphics Booster ...............:       Auto
                  CPU Clock Ratio ..........................:        8
                  Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.     0
                  CPU Frequency ...........................:       4Ghz
                  Clock Chip Control 
                  Standard Clock Control
                  CPU Host Clock Control..................: [Enabled] 
                  CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............: 500 Mhz
                  PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:100
                  C.I.A.2 .................................:[Disabled]
                  Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
                  CPU Clock Drive...........................:  [800mV]   (default)
                  PCI Express Clock Drive.................: [900mV] (default)
                  CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................:   [0ps]         (default)
                  MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................:   [0ps] (default)
                  DRAM Performance Control
                  Performance Enhance...................: [Standard]
                  Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: [Disabled]
                  (G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: [Auto]
                  System Memory Multiplier ..............: [2.00D]
                  Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 500   1000
                  DRAM Timing Selectable ................: [Manual]
                  Standard Timing Control
                  CAS Latency Time........................5
                  tRCD .........................................5
                  Advanced Timing Control
                  Command Rate (CMD) ....................:2 
                  Driving Strength Profiles
                  Driving Strength ............................1060Mhz
                  Channel A
                  Static tRead Value.........................:9 
                   tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:<<< Leave for all below as well
                  tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
                   tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
                   tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
                  Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto 
                  Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
                  Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
                  Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto 
                  Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
                  Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
                  DDR Write Training..........................:Auto
                  Channel B
                  Static tRead Value.........................:9
                   tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:<<< Leave for all below as well
                  tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
                   tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
                   tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
                  Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto 
                  Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
                  Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
                  Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto 
                  Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
                  Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
                  DDR Write Training..........................:Auto
                  Motherboard Voltage Control
                  Load-Line Calibration.........................: [Disabled]  (default)
                  CPU Vcore….……….........................:1.38V
                  CPU Termination…...........................:1.35V
                  CPU PLL…………………..................:1.58
                  CPU Referen.………….....................:Auto
                  MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: [1.260V]
                MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; [0.740V] 
                  MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: [Normal]  <<< Leave
                  ICH I/O……………….....1.5500V...........: [1.5700V]
                  ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: [1.2000V] 
                  DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 2.020V
                  DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: <<< Leave
                  Channel A Reference 0.900V............: <<< Leave
                  Channel B Reference 0.900V............: <<< Leave
                  Advanced Settings
                  Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [Disabled]
                  No-Execute Memory Protect............: [Enabled]
                  CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [Disabled]
                  C2/C2E State Support....................: [Disabled] 
                  x C4/C4E State Support..................: [Disabled]
                  CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [Enabled]
                  CPU EIST Function.........................: [Disabled]
                  Virtualization Technology................: [Enabled]
                  Integrated Peripherals
                  Legacy USB Storage Detect ..............[Enabled]

                This make no sense to me... at my stock voltages for the CPU I can get 3.75Ghz and I have temps of 53...
                but not 4.0Ghz with added voltage.. I must be doing something boneheaded...

                The failure I get is a prime 95 rounding error on a random core.



                Last edited by dvohwinkel; 04-09-2009, 05:27 PM.

