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G31M-ES2C memory ratio?

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  • G31M-ES2C memory ratio?

    Any of you guys have the same board?

    I've been OC'ing my e5200 but i feel that the lack of fine tuning of the memory ratio is holding me back .. . (the only options are 2.66, 3.xx and 4.0)
    Is there a mod for the bios that can be used?
    I've read somewhere that there are mods for the CPU but i really don't feel comfortable screwing around with the chip itself. . .

  • #2
    Re: G31M-ES2C memory ratio?

    What CPU Speed are you trying to reach? And what ram do you have? Amount and a link would be nice, then we can better advise you

    No, there is not any BIOS mod.

    And just so you know, before you decide to give in and try, Gigabyte boards do not recognize BSEL mods (CPU Mods). So that would be a waste of your time and CPU

    What you need is a better board, P35 or P45 both models have types can be obtained for $80-110.

