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Problem with memory and Q9650 on GA-EP45C-DS3

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  • Problem with memory and Q9650 on GA-EP45C-DS3


    I have run into unusual problem on my system. I tried to search for similar problems on this forum, but was unable to find a solution, sorry if i missed something.

    So here it is:

    Originally, I had a perfectly stable system, based on GA-EP45C-DS3 motherboard, with E6600 Dual core CPU and 2x2Gb DDR3 (Geil GV32GB1333C7DC) memory sticks running in dual channel mode. Memory is labeled to run on 1.5v.

    Then i decided to replace a CPU with more powerfull one, so i bought a Q9650. After replacing old CPU with the new one, the system wouldn't boot. System fans running, HDD staring up, and then system immideatly going into reboot without even getting to post screen, without any beeps or anything. After spending some time in that state, system automatically turns off.

    After some experemintations, i have found the cause of that.
    (The motherboard have 2 DDR3 slots, i will call one that is closer to CPU as the "first" one and one that is further away from CPU as "second".)
    Short version: Whenever there is a memory stick in the second slot, the system won't boot with quad-core CPU.

    Basically, i tried many different setups.
    With old Dual-core CPU, the system run stable with any memory setup. 1 of any sticks in any slot, as well as in dual channel mode.
    With the new Quad-Core CPU, if i put both sticks in, it won't start. If i put any one of sticks in second slot, system won't start.
    But if i put any one stick in the first DDR3 slot, but leave the second slot empty, the system will start and run stable.

    I tried to replace sticks with each other, results were are equal, so both memory sticks are in good shape.

    Both DDR3 slots works fine with old CPU, so they are seem to be in good shape as well. Problems only start when i install the QuadCore CPU AND a memory stick in second slot. That really seem like some kind of weird hardware compatibility/instability problem.
    I am using a good Zalman 850W power supply, with all cables connected (i double checked that), so power shouldn't be a problem.

    So far system run stable with 1 stick in first slot, but obviously i would like to somehow get all 4Gb of memory to work with new CPU.

    What i was thinking of, is
    1) Old bios. My current bios of motherboard is F3, while top version released is F5. Maybe flashing new version will help? I don't want to do it unless i actually get confirmation that it at least could help.
    2) Some kind of power problem... maybe increasing voltage on CPU and/or memory would fix this?
    3) I have not touched any bios setting after replacing old processor with new one, everything was and still stays on "Auto" and such. Maybe i should try to tweak some settings specifically for quad-core?

    I am programmer, but by no means expert in low-level hardware - voltages and such, so i really need an advice here.

    I am posting this while being away from the computer in question, but i will post bios settings (using a template from other threads) when i get to it.
    Last edited by Stringer; 06-18-2009, 04:58 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Problem with memory and Q9650 on GA-EP45C-DS3

    BIOS settings
    [B][U]MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)[/U][/B]
    Robust Graphics Booster .................: Auto 
    CPU Clock Ratio .........................: 9x 
    Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................: 0.0
    CPU Frequency ...........................: 3.00 (333x9) 
    [B][U]Clock Chip Control [/U][/B]
    [B][U]Standard Clock Control[/U][/B]
    CPU Host Clock Control...............: [Enabled] 
    CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............: 266 Mhz
    [B]PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........: [Auto][/B]
    C.I.A.2 .................................: [Disabled]
    [B][U]Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter][/U][/B]
    CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800mV 
    PCI Express Clock Drive...................: 900mV 
    CPU Clock Skew (ps).......................: 0ps 
    MCH Clock Skew (ps).......................: 0ps<<< 
    [B][U]DRAM Performance Control[/U][/B]
    [B]Performance Enhance...................: [STANDARD][/B]
    Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).......: No such option
    (G)MCH Frequency Latch................: [Auto]
    System Memory Multiplier .............: [Auto]
    Memory Frequency (Mhz) ...............: 1333 
    DRAM Timing Selectable ...............: [Autol]
    [B]Standard Timing Control[/B]
    CAS Latency Time...............................7
    tRCD ......................................... 7
    tRP'.......................................... 7
    tRAS......................................... 24
    [B][U]Advanced Timing Control[/U][/B]
    tRRD...........................................4 Auto
    tWTR...........................................5 Auto
    tWR............................................10 Auto
    tRFC...........................................60 Auto
    tRTP...........................................5 Auto
    Command Rate (CMD) ............................:0 Auto
    [U][B]Driving Strength Profiles[/B][/U]
    Driving Strength ............................ No Such Option
    [B]Channel A[/B]
    Static tRead Value.........................:6 Auto
     tRD Phase0 Adjustment.....................:0 Auto
    tRD Phase1 Adjustment......................:0 Auto
     tRD Phase2 Adjustment ....................:0 Auto
     tRD Phase3 Adjustment.....................:0 Auto
    Trd2rd(Different Rank).....................:9 Auto 
    Twr2wr(Different Rank).....................:7 Auto 
    Twr2rd(Different Rank).....................:8 Auto 
    Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank).....................:8 Auto 
    Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...................:[Auto]  ps
    Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...................:[Auto]  ps
    [B]Channel B[/B]
    Static tRead Value.........................:6 Auto
     tRD Phase0 Adjustment.....................:0 Auto
    tRD Phase1 Adjustment......................:0 Auto
     tRD Phase2 Adjustment ....................:0 Auto
     tRD Phase3 Adjustment.....................:0 Auto
    Trd2rd(Different Rank).....................:9 Auto 
    Twr2wr(Different Rank).....................:7 Auto 
    Twr2rd(Different Rank).....................:8 Auto 
    Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank).....................:8 Auto 
    Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...................:Auto  ps
    Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...................:Auto  ps
    [B][U]Motherboard Voltage Control[/U][/B]
    Voltage Type.………... Manual
    CPU Vcore….………..........................: 1.11250V
    CPU Termination…........................: 1.200 
    CPU PLL…………………..........................: 1.500 
    CPU Referen.…………........................: 0.760 
    CPU Reference2………,,.....................: No Such Option 
    MCH Core…………….........................: 1.100 
    MCH Reference….…….....................; 0.760
    MCH/DRAM Ref.…........................: 0.750
    ICH I/O……………….........................: 1.500
    ICH Core…………...…….....................: No Such Option
    DRAM Voltage ……........................: 1.500
    DRAM Termination .…....................: 0.750 Leave
    Channel A Reference ...................: 0.750
    Channel B Reference ...................: 0.750
    [B][U]Advanced Settings[/U][/B]
    Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [Disabled]
    No-Execute Memory Protect.................: [Enabled]
    CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)...................: [Enabled]
    C2/C2E State Support......................: [Disabled]
    x C4/C4E State Support....................: [Disabled]
    CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...............: [Enabled]
    CPU EIST Function.........................: [Disabled]
    Virtualization Technology.................: [Enabled] 
    [B][U]Integrated Peripherals[/U][/B]
    Legacy USB Storage Detect ..............[Enabled]


    • #3
      Re: Problem with memory and Q9650 on GA-EP45C-DS3

      hello, i have the same motherboard, but different problem, is in the slot near to the microprocessor with one specific RAM module. I have Q9550, but haven't tested with other. Here is my problem, memory (is 2x2GB DDR3 1333) in dual channel, work OK in one position, but if I interchange them, the PC freeze just getting to windows.
      The two RAM modules work alone OK in each RAM slot.
      The memories are the same manufacturer and part number, but are not included in the compatibility list of the motherboard in Gigabyte web site.
      I'm going to change them now, i'll try to get the gigabytes recommended ones.


      • #4
        Re: Problem with memory and Q9650 on GA-EP45C-DS3

        i have now two corsairs with no problems so far


        • #5
          Re: Problem with memory and Q9650 on GA-EP45C-DS3

          As for me, after some more experiments, i've found out that speed of memory was the cause.

          Basically, it come to my attention, that one of changes done to memory by new proc, was going from 1066 to 1333 speed, because of faster FSB of new CPU.

          So first i tried to lower it manually back to 1066 and it worked.

          Then after some some more time spent on it, i managed to just increase CAS latelncy a bit, instead of factory-set "7" on memory, i've put 8, and that done the trick. So now my memory is on 8-7-7-24 on 1333.

          I tried to increase voltage of MCH and memory itself - no effect. Only lowering memory speed helped.

          Again, the problem was occuring only with second DDR3 slot, independant of which one of two sticks i put in it.
          Also, from other threads, i saw that DDR2 slots on similar boards also have similar problem: Second set of slots sometimes cause instability if memory in it runs on the highest speed supported by mobo.
          Some guy even called the techsupport of his memory vendor, and they said that this motherboard won't run all 4 of his sticks "due to the way the motherboard is built" and that he have to slow them down.

          Maybe it is some general design problem of those types of boards.
          So for someone experiencing similar problems i'd recommend to try to lower memory speed a bit, maybe it will at least get you stable system to use while you experiment with configs.
          Last edited by Stringer; 06-22-2009, 04:07 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Problem with memory and Q9650 on GA-EP45C-DS3

            oh, it's very interesting, but ur mobo supports 1333 MHz and 1600 MHz, i think.
            Now i have these two corsairs T W 3 X 4 G 1 3 3 3 C 9. They sell them in the same package together. Until now works fine.


            • #7
              Re: Problem with memory and Q9650 on GA-EP45C-DS3

              Formally, yes, it support 1600. But if you look at memory compatibility list, you'll see that funny "Downgrade to 1333" note near sticks that should run at 1600.

              Also, as far as i can see from signature, your memory sticks run at CAS 9, as pointed by "C9" in the end of it, which is slower. My original was set to 7, but then i had to slow it down to 8.

              Memory sticks, that are completely equivalent to mine, but that are factory-set to CAS 9, are actually on the supported list.
              And coupled with that "Downgrade to 1333", i do beleive that there is a problem with running high-speed memory on that mobo.


              • #8

