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GA-MA720-US3 OC Phenom X2 550 4 core

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  • GA-MA720-US3 OC Phenom X2 550 4 core

    lots people play X2 550 with AMD/ATI chipset.
    tru south bridge ACC function could switch on hidden cores.
    and Gigabyte's GA-MA720 US3, its a entry level motherboard
    build with Nvidia Nforce 720D chipset, as i know GA-MA720 US3
    has NVCC to work like ACC. and now i do some test with this
    board and look whats going on. and figure out something limit.

    picture of gigabyte GA-MA720-US3

    Turn on NVCC and leave it auto, after shutdown and restart
    you will get 4 cores from phenom II X2 550. not sure every 550 chip can
    do this. got 4cores cpuz validation.

    get it more vcore, and i test its easliy to get 4core at 4.1GHz CPUz validation
    i can easily pass super pi 1m. but there is something limit 4th core, i can't even
    underclcoking to 1GHz at 4th to stable. i done a double check with this processor
    swithed to GA-MA770T UD3 make 4core all stable, then i figure out something
    is limited at NVCC, not sure Nvidia will fix this, but on AMD/ATI chipset with ACC
    is more trustable.

    if you have quadcore, such as Phenom II X4 920 on this board its no problem to
    make all core stable, the problem could be nvidia didn't do many efforts on NVCC.
    4th core can't get stable, or maybe just my case ,not sure.
    with this board, i still can make it 2 cores to be 3 cores and runing like 24/7
    with this nvidia chipset and entry level motherboard, make a X2 to be X3 also
    is not bad idea. if you are looking for a cheap amd platform and want more price
    performance. below i run 3 core of Phenom II X2 550 and runing over 12 hours
    to make sure triple - core is stable. GA-MA720 US3 detect my phenom II X2 550
    vid as 1.37v, i do some power comparison, with full-loading processor, you need to
    pay 20watts with 3-core than 2-core. my platform descrip like below.

    Phenom II X2 550 at 3 cores stress for 12 hours.

    CPU: Phenom II X2 550
    MB: GA-MA720-US3
    VGA:Quad FX330
    HD: WD250G SATA.

    i turn off all saving power function, idle is 99watts no matter with 3 core or 2 core.
    but under full loading, i get 170 watts with 3 core and 148 watts with 2 core.
    the other thing is not just me compalin about nvidia not do all engery to NVCC.
    i tried to install my ATI HD 4870, but after install driver, i only got black screen.
    seems like this board has nvidia chipset and ATI graphics compatiblity problem. or
    maybe just my case, i only try this graphics not do else.

    so. i could get 3 core of X2 550 and running like 24hrs/7days.
    i keep do it overclocking with aircooling. and add a bit more than vid vcore i can
    make 3.8GHz 3 core stable, atleast passed 3X super pi 32m and 3dmark 06
    cpu test.

    1.39v 3 core at 3.8GHz finished 3X super pi 32m

    and 1.44v i get 4GHz 3dmark 06 cpu test and score over 4K

    GA-MA720 US3 like a entry level motherboard, and its cheap, no have many overlcoking voltage controller, with nvidia nforce 720d you could turn on NVCC
    to get hidden core if you are lucky with Phenom II X2 series. i havent try X3 series.
    and you also can overclocking 3 cores on this board. with a nice air cooling system
    you can make it like 4GHz, or just select 3GHz 3core default voltage to be daily using.
    and once you opened 3 core, you will pay 20 watts than 2core. the last thing is beware
    maybe this board doesn't like your AMD ATI graphics. and this board doesn't support AOC (AMD over drive) due to chipset.for an entry level motherboard
    this board has much price performance plus you can do some suprise with NVCC
    and overclcoking.

    Last edited by hicookie; 06-28-2009, 03:09 PM.

  • #2
    Re: GA-MA720-US3 OC Phenom X2 550 4 core

    Thanks for the info Hicookie, we do have users often wondering about this function.

    I am glad to see Gigabyte has kept this enabled in the BIOS's now


    • #3
      Re: GA-MA720-US3 OC Phenom X2 550 4 core

      Hello has continued your discussion I wanted to know if you could give me the name micro ATX motherboard or could I activated the 2 cores of the Phenom 550 II x2 ??


      • #4
        Re: GA-MA720-US3 OC Phenom X2 550 4 core

        Gigabyte mATX also allow you to open cores.

