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Ep45-ds5 / Memory issues

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  • #16
    Re: Ep45-ds5 / Memory issues

    I would test each one by itself for a while, then both together overnight if each passes the tests alone.


    • #17
      Re: Ep45-ds5 / Memory issues

      I just tried my CXSM pc8500 1024 mb memories ( The corsair ones 8500C5D), 2x1 gb in yellow and red.

      And keeps rebooting, I dont get it, They all work on my gfs pc but not my pc.

      She runs 4x1gb and works perfectly and i cant even get my dual channel to work, Im starting to get disapointed in this Motherboard, Couse i know the dominators are perfect, Iv ran memtests couple of months ago and she is gaming on them everyday.

      So to be honest i dont know what to think, Im still wating for a phone call from the shop support, I turned the other Ds5 in and they will try it, search for issues.

      Else il take this one back > and buy an ASUS or Different gigabyte, Defenetly no DS5 or DS4
      Last edited by Cxod; 07-08-2009, 08:04 AM.


      • #18
        Re: Ep45-ds5 / Memory issues

        Dual channel 1+3, try that. It very well could be your board, I am not saying it's not, just trying to help you figure it out is all. Sorry I am not next door, I'd stop by and let you know in a few minutes what was wrong.

        DS4P is a great board, or you could get a cheaper UD3 model of P45. The P45 normal models like DS4, DS4P, DS5, and DQ6 are way more expensive than the UD3 models, and those will do higher FSB anyway for less $$. So if you do decide to grab another board you may want to look at a UD3P or UD3R


        • #19
          Re: Ep45-ds5 / Memory issues

          Yea thanks alot mate, Im glad i got someone talking to me, Swedish biggest ass to a forum, no one knows anything.

          Yea seems il have to swich, you know anything about asus bords? or your straight gigabyte fan?

          I dont know what more i can try except w8 for my call wich prolly will come tomorrow. Thanks once more, Im going to say on this post and keep u intouch about what they say ;)


          • #20
            Re: Ep45-ds5 / Memory issues

            Support said that Crucial balistix arent really the best friends of gigabyte, More or less luck depends on board and ofc rams. So i will need to change, He had the same issues, but then got different ballistix and it worked. Seems as i got off on a bad start.

            So any ram suggiestions?

