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AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

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  • AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

    The drivers on the installation CD do not function in Windows 7 unfortunately. I have tried forcing the drivers for Windows Vista, but they come up with an error 43 after installation. Anyway, is there a time frame for drivers that are compatible with Windows 7 or a temporary work-around?

  • #2
    Re: AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

    This would be best asked at the ATI Forums as they have the knowledge of when drivers will be ready.

    You have tried the latest from ATI of course right? If not please do try those >>
    Drivers & Software


    • #3
      Re: AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

      Yep, I tried them and the 4650 AGP is not supported yet. Their stance is that owners of the AGP variety of the card should contact the manufacturer for the respective drivers. So until ATI gets on the ball and supports the cards with the next set of drivers, or issues a hotfix, I will have to try some other options.


      • #4
        Re: AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

        Ohh sorry to hear! Just thought I would toss that out there in case you had not tried them yet.

        So AGP is not supported by the ATI Driver? That don't make sense considering they make the product!! Or did you mean not supported in windows 7 is all?


        • #5
          Re: AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

          The card is still fairly new, so I have some hope that ATI will incorporate it into their official drivers. Currently it's unsupported even in Windows XP and Windows Vista using drivers from ATI, it just won't be detected. You have to use the drivers provided by Gigabyte or the respective manufacturer that produced the specific card. The drivers from Gigabyte say that are compatible with Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit), but they aren't installing properly.


          • #6
            Re: AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

            Well that is just crazy!

            So have you tested the Gigabyte drivers with Vista or XP? Just wondering. You do have the latest Intel Chipset Driver package installed right?


            • #7
              Re: AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

              Yes, I have tested them in Windows XP and they work properly and the card is detected on this computer. Windows 7 is just being troublesome :|


              • #8
                Re: AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

                Ahh, ok! Thanks.

                I just wondered if it was a Windows 7 issue only or not. Can you please send in a report of this to Gigabyte Tech if you have not already. Feel free to link to this thread if you like. >>
                GIGABYTE - Support&Download - Technical Service Zone

                They may be unaware of the issue, or not. So best to let them know and see what they have to say before trying anything further as it may be a known issue.

                Please do let me know what their reply is to you about this, thanks!


                • #9
                  Re: AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

                  Well this may not be the fault of Gigabyte, apparently nforce3 boards have incompatibility problems with Windows Vista and hence Windows 7. There are some work-arounds, but it is not likely to be anything to do with the graphics card.

                  The motherboard is the MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum, which is nforce3 based. The error code given after installation of drivers is Code 43, which actually helped diagnose the problem for once :)


                  • #10
                    Re: AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

                    For future reference, a work-around is to disable one core of the processor. This removed Code 43 from the display driver and suddenly my Anthlon64x2 3800 is half as powerful, lol


                    • #11
                      Re: AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

                      Ahh ya I seen that when googling a while ago. Can't you also just disable one core from startup and also fix the issue too, or is it only FULLY disabling one core?

                      If you need help in knowing how to disable only one core, or set only one core I mean, for startup/boot time let me know and I can help you try that out as well.


                      • #12
                        Re: AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

                        I had already done it when I posted that, but all I did was disabled one core from within msconfig. Easy, but now I am going to attempt to get some windows xp 64bit GART drivers to play nicely with Vista and see if I can't get my second core back.


                        • #13
                          Re: AGP 4650 drivers for Windows 7 64bit?

                          Ya that is what I mean, using Msconfig instead of disabling a core in the BIOS. Let us know how you get along with things.

                          PM me next week sometime and I will ask Gigabyte if they maybe have a beta Driver for you or a beta BIOS or Beta VGA BIOS that maybe could help you out.

                          I'd ask now but they are pretty busy and have not replied this week to emails yet

