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GA-P55-UD3R - Error on BIOS Update

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  • GA-P55-UD3R - Error on BIOS Update

    When attempting to update the BIOS on my new motherboard (GA-P55-UD3R) from F2 to F3 using the built-in Q-Flash (v. 2.13) utility, the following error occurs:

    BIOS ID check error

    I downloaded the F3 BIOS from Gigabyte's site. Here is the link:

    GIGABYTE - Support&Download - Motherboard - BIOS - GA-P55-UD3R (rev. 1.0)

    The Q-Flash utility displays the following information:

    Flash Type/Size: MXIC 25L1605A 2M

    Several discussions on this forum suggest not to use @BIOS, I don't have a USB flash drive that is formatted with a FAT system, and the BIOS is too large to fit on a floppy disk. Are there any alternatives?

    Is there a resolution to the error?

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Re: GA-P55-UD3R - Error on BIOS Update

    So you do not have a USB Stick? How did you attempt to flash with Qflash to begin with?

    You can format any USB Stick if you do have one, I suggest FAT32 which is what they are normally formatted to anyway.

    You can also make a 1GB Partition on your hard drive and format that to FAT32 and put a BIOS file on there.

    Other alternatives would be boot from a DOS Bootable floppy, USB, or CD and then put in a second CD with FlashSPI and the BIOS file on it and flash from there.

    You can use @BIOS, but I do suggest it ONLY as a last resort. Which there is so many ways to flash it should never come down to being your last resort really.

    Let me know if you need further help with anything I mentioned above


    • #3
      Re: GA-P55-UD3R - Error on BIOS Update

      Thanks for your response.

      I downloaded the executable file to the C volume, launched it, then copied the extracted file called p55ud3r.f3 to a formatted 8 MB FAT partition on disk 0. Then, I restarted the computer, launched the Q-Flash utility from the BIOS menu, navigated to the FAT partition, and selected the file.

      Could the Q-Flash utility be incorrectly reading the file?



      • #4
        Re: GA-P55-UD3R - Error on BIOS Update

        Well some BIOSes have a Qflash change in them, which means Qflash wont read it properly.

        You may have to use FlashSPI via DOS that comes with the downloads, that or use @BIOS.

        This is likely the issue, please try flashing from DOS with FlashSPI


        • #5
          Re: GA-P55-UD3R - Error on BIOS Update

          This BIOS have update from Q-Flash (v. 2.13) to Q-Flash (v. 2.15) and maybe this is issue.
          When I flashed my BIOS,first half flash very fast than later as usual.
          Last edited by stasio; 11-20-2009, 03:02 AM.


          • #6
            Re: GA-P55-UD3R - Error on BIOS Update

            Ya that is what I suspected, this always causes an issue with Qflash.

            Thanks Stasio for the confirmation on the version change!

            CuriousJoe you will need to use FlashSPI from DOS, if you need help with that please let me know


            • #7
              Re: GA-P55-UD3R - Error on BIOS Update

              Or maybe this are only for my UD6 (not sure about his UD3R).


              • #8
                Re: GA-P55-UD3R - Error on BIOS Update

                Well if the BIOS updates all came out around the same time or shortly together then they all likely updated the Qflash version. Happens every so often with all the models.


                • #9
                  Re: GA-P55-UD3R - Error on BIOS Update

                  CuriousJoe,you can try also a few beta BIOS's before F3 posted here


                  • #10
                    Re: GA-P55-UD3R - Error on BIOS Update

                    I found a resolution. (Sometimes it's best to take a long break before retackling a problem.)

                    The Q-Flash utility was not able to read the file properly because it was stored on a primary FAT partition. Once I deleted the partition, created an extended FAT partition (same capacity of 8 MB), and copied the BIOS file to it, the Q-Flash utility on the motherboard was happy. The BIOS was successfully updated.

                    Thanks for everyone's input, though. Much appreciated.
                    Last edited by CuriousJoe; 11-20-2009, 04:16 AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: GA-P55-UD3R - Error on BIOS Update

                      Ahh, well thanks for posting back about that! Now I can "try" to remember to tell others who may have issues later on.

                      I have always used a Primary partition and had no issues, but then again I do use a FAT32 partition, so maybe that matters?

                      Either way, glad to see you got it figured out and flashed safely!

