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Q9650+GA-EP45-DS4P OC Help Please

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  • #16
    Re: Q9650+GA-EP45-DS4P OC Help Please

    I did a test with prime95 and pass . So I just tried 4GHz but when I save and exit bios my computer restarts twice and it go to 2GHz and when i enter bios it says stuff about wrong setting press any key to continue? What's wrong ? Is it the CPU Vcore because when i try it with 1.45V it stills happen and I don't wanna go any further and screw my CPU.


    • #17
      Re: Q9650+GA-EP45-DS4P OC Help Please

      It could be any setting really, that means the settings failed, and defaults are loaded no matter what it shows in the BIOS.

      Could be Vcore, what all did you change from 3.8 to 4Ghz? What settings fully for each one, then I can maybe see the problem. You can use more than 1.45 and your CPU will be fine, as long as temps are good, but especially should be fine for short testing anyway. Those CPU's are rated to 1.5 or 1.55 so you are good to try a bit more, but if you are unsure go ahead and give me the full settings you tried for 4Ghz as well as your full working 3.8 settings.


      • #18


        • #19
          Re: Q9650+GA-EP45-DS4P OC Help Please

          For 4GHz, I just raised FSB to 450MHz.


          • #20
            Re: Q9650+GA-EP45-DS4P OC Help Please

            Originally posted by porleng View Post
            I heard that if you raise CPU PLL it can fry your chip fast so that's why I left it on auto.
            From what I have read you won't fry it but it may cause some damage so you won't be able to OC anymore.

            Howeven leaving it on auto is just as bad, BIOS will set it too high when you OC, you can check EasyTune -> Tuner -> Advanced -> Voltage tab for it's target value.
            Set it manually to 1.57v or 1.59v.


            • #21
              Re: Q9650+GA-EP45-DS4P OC Help Please

              Originally posted by Chike View Post
              From what I have read you won't fry it but it may cause some damage so you won't be able to OC anymore.

              Howeven leaving it on auto is just as bad, BIOS will set it too high when you OC, you can check EasyTune -> Tuner -> Advanced -> Voltage tab for it's target value.
              Set it manually to 1.57v or 1.59v.
              I set it to 1.59 and 1.57 and fails but when I set it to auto it works?


              • #22
                Re: Q9650+GA-EP45-DS4P OC Help Please

                How exactly does it fail? No boot or does if fail tests?
                Auto will set it 1.75v or highr, not recommended for 45nm CPUs.

                Please add your system specs to your signature.

                BTW it would be a good idea to set DRAM Voltage to 1.9v.


                • #23
                  Re: Q9650+GA-EP45-DS4P OC Help Please

                  It fails like this: When I set it to 1.57v or 1.59v and save and exit bios, my computer try to boot up but it cant' so I have to manually turn it off and on by hold to power button then when I go back to Bios is says that settings have failed press any key to continue.

                  EDIT: I put DRAM Voltage to 1.9 Volts and it works with 15.Volts CPU PLL :D
                  Last edited by porleng; 04-25-2010, 05:53 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Q9650+GA-EP45-DS4P OC Help Please

                    With same settings as before?
                    Likely that you need more vcore, try 1.35-1.36v.


                    • #25
                      Re: Q9650+GA-EP45-DS4P OC Help Please

                      How you coming along with this now, just checking in?


                      • #26
                        Re: Q9650+GA-EP45-DS4P OC Help Please

                        *( Will shift the Reply to a more related post Sorry for the Mix up )*
                        Last edited by inque; 05-30-2010, 08:20 AM. Reason: added additional details

