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possible use full 4 Gb ga-h55m-s2hp

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  • #16
    Re: possible use full 4 Gb ga-h55m-s2hp

    It's no problem for me to test and help, that's why I am here! It's no inconvenience to me, and only took me a few minutes to check, no problem!

    I just edited my post a little bit, so you might want to read it again.

    I don't have to see any pictures, unless you are not sure what I am asking and you just want me to look. You can just look and tell me, you should see "Made in Brazil or Taiwan/Taipei" on the edge, maybe under the PCI slots or by the rear panel.

    It's not too important though, I just wondered since you mentioned Brazil.


    • #17
      Re: possible use full 4 Gb ga-h55m-s2hp

      At the bottom, says it was made here in Brazil and packaging in China

      I do not understand why it is written on the packaging S2HP-TO?

      A few more ...

      Taipei? The packaging did not say made in Brazil and this card is only available on the website of Brazil?

      Questions in the air ...

      Sorry for the photos is the first time I am using this camera

      Thank you and Good Afternoon!


      • #18
        Re: possible use full 4 Gb ga-h55m-s2hp

        Taipei is in Taiwan, Gigabyte's headquarters. And it looks like your board was made there as well.

        I'll let you know once I hear back from the BIOS engineers on my report


        • #19
          Re: possible use full 4 Gb ga-h55m-s2hp

          A response from gigabyte support that should help clarify the limitations of chipset H55

          If what they say is true ...

          My bios is setting aside more than allowed for a Lynnfield

          And the images raised by Lsdmeasap could be less memory
          Last edited by Hqxriven; 08-31-2010, 06:29 AM.


          • #20
            Re: possible use full 4 Gb ga-h55m-s2hp

            Very detailed, but leaving out what many of those descriptions or abbreviations makes it difficult to know what some of it means? I understand some of what they are saying though, I think :)

            So they are saying no matter what H55 shares memory, at least 36864k, so it would always be less than installed even with Lynnfield?

            Why, what is that share for, especially if there is no onboard GFX in use (Disabled or VGA card installed)?

            I guess I would better understand if we knew what those abbreviations mean, such as T-SEG or ME. I don't see why MMIO is used, at least not permanently - could have been temp when needed, but I'm not a board or chipset designer so I suppose it was needed.

            I still do not understand why memory is reserved for a Lynnfield CPU, it shouldn't be needed and they did not explain why it's is reserved either, but at least they did take the time to explain and make out that graph for you so that was nice.
            Last edited by Lsdmeasap; 08-31-2010, 08:24 AM.


            • #21
              Re: possible use full 4 Gb ga-h55m-s2hp

              I wanted to understand why I have 4096 with the P55 and H55 with the Lynnfield only 4060 in a gigabyte?

              Although I have a Lynnfield and far less than that ...


              • #22
                Re: possible use full 4 Gb ga-h55m-s2hp

                I only see 4055 with Lynnfield and H55, similar to what you have though so I guess it's normal.

                What do you mean in a Gigabyte? Do you have another H55 (non Gigabyte) that shows 4096?

                I agree though, your first post you have 3.8GB with Lynnfield, did they explain why that one is?


                • #23
                  Re: possible use full 4 Gb ga-h55m-s2hp

                  Is 3.8 Gib not igual 3.8 GB... more precisely have 3921

                  Let's think using the actual information passed by the support

                  With a Lynnfield (i5 or i7) i would have less 36 MB.

                  Intel DH55TC (chipset H55) i5 750

                  Much better! But Bios in auto block memory:

                  VGA onboard (which does not exist in the i5 750) + chipset "Limitation" + Free
                  32 MB + 36 + 4029 = how things are in Kbytes and the conversion is expected to reach 4096

                  With Bios for PEG result is:
                  chipset Limitation + Free
                  36 + 4060 = how things are in Kbytes and the conversion is expected to reach 4096

                  Because in my gigabyte with H55 and Lynnfield I lose 175 MB??

                  Speculate that:

                  135 for thinking that my i5's Clarkdale

                  36 doing the right thing to think it is a Lynnfield

                  4 MB that disappeared without explanation in the update for the bios to F4

                  (In the MSI h55 loose 41 MB in the Lynnfield)

                  But looking at this image:

                  Shows that it is possible to have access to at least more than 4 Gb (4001 or more).

                  Because Windows does not show:

                  Memory RAM: 4.0 GB (blablabla usable)

                  So it is certainly possible to have 4 Gb not even get 4096 on asus I tested.

                  With this any processor i3, i5, i7 with vga offboard and onboard VGA disabled should only reserve 36 MB is really the "limitation" of the platform.

                  I wanted to understand why they are still saying it's normal?

                  Even if I'm wrong I use an i5 Lynnfield and lose 175 MB instead of 36 or 41 MB.

                  I know you is not to blame Lsdmeasap!

                  You have helped me be! I thank you for it

                  But where are the guys that make the bios to solve this problem?
                  Last edited by Hqxriven; 09-01-2010, 04:03 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: possible use full 4 Gb ga-h55m-s2hp

                    With this any processor i3, i5, i7 with vga offboard and onboard VGA disabled should only reserve 36 MB is really the "limitation" of the platform.
                    That's what I was thinking too! Especially with a Lynnfield.

                    I still have not heard back on my end yet, my contact is often very busy with other things, hopefully he will get back to me this week.

