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G1 Assassin Review - Performance (Part 2 of 2)

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  • G1 Assassin Review - Performance (Part 2 of 2)

    G1 Assassin Review- Performance.

    Steven B.

    For a true in depth motherboard review it is important to focus on not only CPU/RAM/GPU benchmarks, but also the unique features each board has. For many motherboards this would be USB 3.0, SATA6G, maybe an NF200, and some nice power delivery. This board has a powerful 16 phase VRM, tons of USB 3.0, and the fastest add on SATA6G; but the Bigfoot Killer NIC and Creative X-Fi really are two great features that have been embedded deep inside this boards PCB and they deserve a fair examination. It is very hard to benchmark or test audio without the proper equipment (which sadly I do not have), it will be up to personal taste to talk about its many aspects. The Bigfoot NIC on the other hand has built in software that measures ping and even FPS among other things, the best part is that this software can be installed on other systems without the NIC, and can provide ping and FPS results. Before we begin I would like to highlight that while this board is not made for Overclockers, it overclocks pretty well. I used a nice air-cooler for all overclocking and benchmarks and I used two CPUs i7 930 and i7990X as well as my good old X58A-UD5 rev 2.0 for comparison.

    I have already done a physical review of this board, so if you want to know how the board works and what every major chip does and the odds and ends of the board please follow this link: G1 Assassin Physical Review

    I will section this performance review into a few segments:

    #1 Overview of the board and functions.
    #2 Bigfoot e2100 vs. Realtek 8111E and Creative 20K2
    #3 Included Software
    #4 Overclocking Results and Test Setup
    #5 Benchmark Results
    #6 SATA6G Comparisons
    #7 Power Consumption and Load Line Calibration
    #8 Conclusion

    Here are the differences between the G1 Assassin, Sniper, and Guerilla:

    Overview of the Board and Functions:

    It is very self-explanatory, but seeing the features in action is even a bit better. Here are some shots of the LEDs in the dark:

    Here you can see the G1 LEDs built into the heatsink and the frequency and phase LEDs. The LEDs in general are a great indicator of temperature and voltage, just like they are supposed to be. It is better to use software to monitor temperature and voltage, physical measurements would even be better. Just know that when your board is lit up like a Christmas tree you should either be proud or worried. The user does have the option of turning off all the lights.

    The OC panel is a really great thing, personally I used to be really big into case modding, and I would have loved to have a front panel OC button. This board in particular has a front panel OC button, while the other boards in this series have a back panel one. The front panel bezel has 2x USB 3.0 and 1x eSATA and USB 2.0 ports as well as the OC button which increases BLCK by 7 MHz even. This can provide about 200mhz overclock depending on the CPU multiplier.

    The math is simple because 133MHz is always the stock bus speed. If you have an i7 930 processor it is rated at 2800 MHz, you take that and divide by 133MHz and you get a multiplier of 21x. Now multiply 21x by your new 140MHz and you get 2940MHz. About 150MHz overclock. On the other hand if you have an i7 950 you have a 23x multiplier so 140 blck would land you with 3220MHz, which is over 200MHz increase. A 7MHz increase in baseclock (BLCK) is not hard to achieve, it requires no voltage increase, so you can try the OC panel and get into overclocking, because this board overclocks like a champ.

    While this board is ATX-XL form factor and only fits in a handful of cases it does give the user more than enough room for every component. We have extra spacing between the CPU cooler and the RAM slots so that you can fit an oversized CPU cooler and a fan on the side that the RAM lies on:

    This also means you can fit those fancy heatsinks for the RAM, and even an extra RAM fan that comes with some high-end kits.
    Moving on to the PCI-E spacing; two triple slotted GPUs will fit easily into the 16x PCI-E slots. Also note that there is enough room between the RAM latches and the first GPU so that you can replace RAM without having to remove the GPU:

    Bigfoot Killer e2100 vs Realtek 8111E

    Now it is important to say that the G1 Assassin has the Bigfoot Killer e2100 and that the X58A-UD5 rev 2.0 has the Realtek 8111E. Both systems used an i7 930 in these next benchmarks.
    One of the greatest things about this network controller is its software (you can use the software on non-killer systems, but only the ping and FPS monitoring work):

    Above you can see how different programs have different priorities. While every game will automatically be set to priority #1, I had a little issue.

    Steam + e2100 + Verizon FIOS problem/fix!
    After being kicked out of every sever I tried to join within 3 minutes of joining, I had to contact Bigfoot customer service after I contacted EA customer service. First off they were very helpful and walked me through many steps to try and get everything figured out. They even have a built in system diagnosis tool which generates a file that can be used by Bigfoot to diagnose the problem. Sadly nothing worked, and finally I found out why. I was asked about my ISP, and I replied Verizon FIOS 15mb/s download and 3mb/s upload. There is a known problem with the Bigfoot NIC and Verizon FIOS service in particular. When the user tries to use Steam to play a game, the game is set to priority #1; the fix is to set priority #2 if you are in my exact shoes. That is it! Find the game and set it to priority #2 if you have Verizon FIOS and are using Steam. Bigfoot said they are taking care of this problem and it should be fixed in a matter of weeks.

    Moving on to other aspects of the program, it logs information on many different statistics all at the same time, and you have the ability to save a log:

    We also have advanced settings and network settings, which can be very useful. The program automatically optimizes your computers network:

    Now here is the difference between UDP and ICP Ping from Bigfoot Networks:

    Now while it is not obvious from the graph which is better, I had Excel do an average of each set of FPS:
    Bigfoot: 157.2745 FPS
    Realtek: 148.7255 FPS

    The winner is easily the G1 Assassin with the Bigfoot Killer e2100

    The Creative 20K2 XF-I and 5 Audio Amplifiers:

    Other than game mode we have entertainment mode and audio creation mode:

  • #2
    Re: G1 Assassin Review - Performance (Part 2 of 2)

    The hardware is so well imbedded into the motherboard that the NIC and the audio have their own power supplies. The Audio has the ability to be processed in full digital and played back in full analogue. With the software we have full control over digital encoding and every aspect you can think of. The software automatically went into game mode when I played a game, and when I played a movie it went into entertainment mode. I never made audio, nor do I know how to, so it never went into the audio creation mode above.
    In use:
    I have a pair of Sennheiser PXC150 sound cancelling headphones with built in bass tubes and these headphones come alive when I use the built in audio on this board. With the 3D effects I can actually hear other gamers coming up behind me a knifing me! I am not so great at gaming, but I probably have the best game experience on the battlefield. There is no way to express how good the sound is on this motherboard, and I have bought creative sound cards in the past, this board has to be seen and heard in person for someone to gain respect for the quality. This motherboard made it to my new 24/7 system board.

    Included Software:

    As you can see there are 5 fan headers, 5 temperature sensors nearby, and the ability to control many aspects of this dynamic system. The extra Winbond HW monitoring IC adds support to the iTE HW monitoring chip. This fan control is something that is also on the new X58A-OC board made for overclockers.

    Dynamic Energy Saver 2 is the program that gives you an accurate wattage reading by way of the Intersil PWM which is the brain of the CPU power supply. You can see how many phases are in action, control the LEDs on the board, and even configure power saving for every component.
    The last piece of software I want to look at is SMART6:

    This program is well known by GIGABYTE frequenters, but I like to show it off to others.
    This program gives you a console for controlling those odds and ends of the system that only the motherboard can control. My favorite is Smart Dual BIOS, while this is a bit different than BIOS recovery which this board has; it is a way for you to store passwords and dates in your backup and main BIOS. Supposed a hacker or your enemy or girlfriend wants to access your email and wants to hack your passwords. Well they search every inch of your hard-drive and cannot find it because your passwords are in your BIOS!!!! It is a very unconventional storage method, and one I find so clever it is worth noting in every GIGABYTE review I do!!

    Overclocking Results and Test Setups!

    There are two things that you should notice in the picture above. They are both circled in green:

    Max CPU Clock: 5208mhz
    Max Base Clock: 231.68mhz
    Max RAM Frequency: 2100mhz

    Can this board Overclock?
    Not only can it overclock but it gives us a very impressive BLCK without slow mode, as well as a very nice RAM speed. Overclocking CPU frequency is all in the CPU except for BLCK. The thing about the 6 core Gulftown processors is that their multipliers are high, so BLCK is never really an issue. The problem with Bloomfield processors is that they need BLCK to overclock with their lower multipliers; this board has the ability for very nice BLCK on air. 230 BLCK can yield a 4.8 GHz overclock for an i7 920(the lowest model CPU for this board). That is if you processor can do 4.8 GHz which most cannot on air.

    Test Setups:

    As you can probably tell the X58A-UD5 has some advantage over the G1 Assassin in CPU and some memory dependent benchmarks. SuperPI and Intel Burn Test are a great indicator of this. In AIDA64 the G1 is ahead in memory and behind in CPU, a good indicator of the impact that offloading RAM resources for the LAN and Audio.

    Science Mark and Winrar are great indicators of real-world performance gains. As you can see the G1 seems to be on top in these two benchmarks.
    What does this all mean?
    The G1 assassin is on top in 3D Benchmarks the UD5 is ahead in CPU benchmarks, the G1 seems to be slightly ahead of the UD5 in memory. This means this board is made for 3D applications such as games.

    Power Consumption and LLC:
    Power consumption is measured at the wall socket. Now the GTX 570 makes up a very large portion of the power draw. For the max I run Furmark Multi-GPU with OCP disabled and I run Intel Burn Test at the same time. Needless to say I make my lights flicker.

    This is extremely impressive, and I hope this LLC carries over to the X58A-OC as I think it does from videos I have seen. That voltage regulation even without an oscilloscope looks pretty damn good.


    I would like to thank those at GIGABYTE from making this review possible!!!!!!!!


    • #3
      Re: G1 Assassin Review - Performance (Part 2 of 2)

      Nice numbers. Good review. Just wish I had one....

      Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD7
      Intel core i7 990X stock speeds
      Corsair 1600 Vengeance 12 GB
      Corsair HX1000 PSU
      HAF-X Case
      Gigabyte GTX480 stock x 2 SLI
      OCZ Agility 120 SSD (OS)
      2 x 300 GB Raptors RAID
      Liteon DVD Burner
      Saitek KB Eclipse-Blue LED
      Logitech G5 Mouse
      Win 7 64 Ultimate SP-1


      • #4
        Re: G1 Assassin Review - Performance (Part 2 of 2)

        This is one sweet board. I am enjoying it more and more each day. Thanks for the review. It is all of that and more. My Logitech z-5500 sound sweet in case anyone was wondering about the sound.


        • #5
          Re: G1 Assassin Review - Performance (Part 2 of 2)

          I love the board as well . I want to see how it performs with a vertex 3 with the marvell 9182 chip, as that is why i sold my rampage 3 , the slow 9128 chip.
          Does anyone know why the boot times are so long. Windows boots way slower now
          with my c300 . The R3E booted in 15 seconds, the G1 in 50 seconds. What gives?

          Other than that the board is great


          • #6
            Re: G1 Assassin Review - Performance (Part 2 of 2)

            Well don't many people have this board yet so not much information yet. I am trying raid 0 on the marvel controller now. Finishing install as I type this. Start up time seem faster this way. I will post back later with an update.


            • #7
              Re: G1 Assassin Review - Performance (Part 2 of 2)

              Originally posted by assassin37 View Post
              I love the board as well . I want to see how it performs with a vertex 3 with the marvell 9182 chip, as that is why i sold my rampage 3 , the slow 9128 chip.
              Does anyone know why the boot times are so long. Windows boots way slower now
              with my c300 . The R3E booted in 15 seconds, the G1 in 50 seconds. What gives?

              Other than that the board is great
              Interesting you say that as ive got this board, and a C300 and my boot time has slowed down loads compared to when i was using the UD7.


              • #8
                Re: G1 Assassin Review - Performance (Part 2 of 2)

                My boot time is fine, i think maybe a bit longer as well. if you are on marvell and not using the ICH then just set ICH10R to IDE, even though that seems to not make a difference. I don't really care too much about boot time, BUT i have a hunch it has to do with all the added accessories, aka the bigfoot and sound card and hwmonitoring, also more things you have plugged in the longer it takes.

