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DDR Overvoltage LED on GA-X58A-UD3R

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  • DDR Overvoltage LED on GA-X58A-UD3R

    well I posted in an older thread, but in retrospect its not quite the same problem.

    I am currently going through a short circuit due to me rearranging the components in my case, but that is easily fixable. The main barrier that I am going through is that My PC isn't starting, and I only get 2 LED's that light up Green and Orange on the DDR Overvoltage LED section on the motherboard. When I push the power button, thats all I get, no fans, the Heatsink stays Idle, just 2 measly LED's (and the Clear Cmos button.)

    Specs are:

    8Gb Kingston ddr3 ram (2 4gb sticks)
    Ati 5570 (temporary until I can afford a better one)

    Can anyone identify the problem/solution?

    again, sorry for the repeated posting. Just frustrated (and new... :s )

  • #2
    Re: DDR Overvoltage LED on GA-X58A-UD3R

    For the most part, never mind. I got it to work, and am actually posting from it now. However, I'm getting a Red OV light for the CPU. As you can tell, this worries a relative novice like me, so is there a solution?


    • #3
      Re: DDR Overvoltage LED on GA-X58A-UD3R

      Nice to see you got this sorted out!!

      Red OV light for the CPU means the voltage is set very high. If you are overclocking please do not use auto Vcore

