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Error on GA-Z170X-Gaming 7, config HDD RAID w/M.2 boot drive

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  • Error on GA-Z170X-Gaming 7, config HDD RAID w/M.2 boot drive

    Hi, Gigabyte tweaktown forum! Been stalking on here for a bit and have an issue I hope the community can help me tackle. Thanks in advance for your help.

    I have Windows 10 booting on my M.2 drive and I can configure the three identical WD HDDs as three separate drives, no problem. I want to configure the HDDs in RAID 5. When I go into the BIOS, I make the change in the SATA configuration to RAID, create the array and name, all goes well. When I restart, I get a Windows error that it could not find a bootable drive (weird, it displays a Windows error, it had to come from somewhere, right?). So I go back to BIOS and change back to AHCI WITHOUT deleting the RAID array, and I boot into Windows just fine. Now I go to initialize the drives, and there is only one drive available in the same size as the RAID array! Weird. But now Intel Rapid Storage application is reporting errors; of course it won't tell me the errors, brilliant.

    This doesn't sound like a reliable way to leave my setup in a production environment. Any help on getting my RAID array working properly? HDDs are plugged into SATA ports 0, 1, 4. I can take screenshots if need be. Thanks for your comments!

  • #2
    Re: Error on GA-Z170X-Gaming 7, config HDD RAID w/M.2 boot drive

    The reason you are getting that error, is because you installed Windows 10 in AHCI mode. You cannot simply change the Sata mode in your bios to RAID, as it will then not boot into Windows as you are experiencing,
    as Windows is still wanting to load AHCI drivers. You need to change the storage drivers from AHCI to RAID drivers, in order for Windows to start successfully in RAID Mode.

    In order to do that, perform the following steps:

    1) Start Windows with Sata set to AHCI.
    2) Set Windows to start in Safe Mode and reboot pc.
    3) As its rebooting, go into the bios before it starts Windows and change Sata mode to Raid, then Save and Reboot again
    4) Windows will now start in Safe Mode.
    5) Once Safe Mode has fully started, it will then automatically load the RAID drivers.
    6) Then simply reboot Windows one more time and it will start in Normal mode and will be set to Raid.
    7) Then install the Intel RST Raid Application, which will allow you to monitor and configure your Raid from within Windows

    Intel RST Application :

    Download, extract and install the file -

