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Case temps and cpu temps

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  • Case temps and cpu temps

    The computer I'm using is the first one I've ever built. I'm not really familiar with what case and cpu temperatures should be. I usually have a case temperature between 22 and 26 degrees celsius. Is this ok? My second question is about my cpu. I have an athlon 2500+ which used to get temperatures of about 40-47 C. I uprgaded the bios for my motherboard (abit nf7-m) and the temperatures dropped alot. Now I get between 27 and 35 degrees. Does this make sense? The bios upgrade was supposed to fix a temperature problem but could it really drop it that much? Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    its unlikely that the bios upgrade actually changed ur temps, probably it included a fix to properly calibrate the temp sensors on ur mobo so ur proc was probably at 27-35 C the whole time :cheers:

