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amd xp 2100+ cooling issue

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  • amd xp 2100+ cooling issue

    To start off I have the following system:

    Amd XP 2100+ Palmino CPU
    Gigabyte GA-7vax revision 1:1 motherboard
    528 meg of pc3200 dram
    geforce2 mx
    sb live value
    80gb 7200rpm ide hard drive
    and other misc junk
    300 watt power supply and a regular old $30 aluminum case

    According to eastytune4 (after clicking optimize)
    -Mhz - 1741.68
    -System bus - 134
    -CPU multiplier - 13.0
    - Voltage:
    CPU - 1.842
    dram - 2.5
    agp - 1.500

    - speed?
    PCI - 33
    AGP - 67
    dram - 335
    LINEAR (as opposed to divider?)

    System temp: 45 c (at idle after under 1 hour and going up)
    CPU temp : 49 c (at idle after under 1 hour and going up)

    3 case fans, 1 realllly big cpu heatsink and fan... sides of case have good vents and airflow when on but right now the case if fully open and still this hot...


    My problem is that my computer started having problems, crashing, wierd slowdowns, glitches... I noticed a warning saying my cpu was hot so I looked at easytune. At one point under load it got to 80C.
    My house is usually at 72-75 F, I live in Florida and thats cold here, but the room with this computer is currently around 78-84 F because this computer runs so hot.

    My little cousin, who I think knows alot about computers, ordered me a speeze cpu fan because it made his similar computer run at about 30 C under load.
    I took off the stock fan and cleaned the contacts with 70% alchohol... didn't have anything better around the house. I got most of the gunk off but the old stock amd fan thermal tape gook had leaked all over the top of the cpu and i couldn't clean it all. So I used some soft plastic and scraped off most of what i could but it was like candle wax and it's not possible to get it all. So I got most of it and installed the new fan. I think I put it on in the right direction because it had the little high difference that fits over the side of the cpu socket thingy...

    cpu socket kind of looks like this?

    and the fan has that little lip that looked like it was made to accomidate the lip on the socket... or so it seems.

    So I plug'd in that new fan and turned it on and instead of the cpu being 65-75C (what it was with amd's stock fan) it's now 50C at idle and at first it ran like a whole new computer! It was moving fast like it originally did and gave me no errors as of yet. It even is playing dvd's and movies again with no problems or system crashes like it was before.

    After alot of reading up I concluded that 50c is still a little high and the longer I leave my computer on the hotter is seems to want to get and the slower it's going... So my guess is I didn't install the fan properly, either not enough thermal paste or I put it on completly bassackwards. They provided no instructions for this thing, no diagrams, no nothing... they just said 4 steps. Take tape off gook, put cooler on cpu, use 4mm screwdriver to push clips on, thats a wrap...
    Well apparently that was NOT a wrap because it's not working right :(

    Now maybe I read something wrong but a 2100+ isn't supposed to run so hot at 1700mhz... if I overclocked it to maybe 1800 I could understand but I shouldn't be able to cook my breakfast on my computer when it's not even being overclocked.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to cool this thing and maybe reclock/overclock it sothat it functions decent? It has me so frustrated I feel like shooting it...

    Gona go reinstall the fan and see if it helps... but I've done it three times and it hasn't helped all that much. Least it's 50C instead of 75C though... so I guess I should be happy?


    I'll attach a picture of the easytune window with default settings running idle after 20min or so with nothin else running. Maybe that'll help give someone find something I must be missing?


  • #2
    didn't post the pic the first time so here goes again


    • #3
      If ya take the side off and direct a desk fan into it does the temps drop? :?:


      • #4
        Well, first off your CPU fan speed should be mor than 2500rpm, 4000 at least. AND, the voltage should be at 1.75, not 1.82 Ive got a paly 2100+ and with AMD's stock cooler and 1case fan I ran 50C. Since ive upgraded coolers etc and it runs 35-40C.

        ALSO, do you have the point of the heatsink clip located directly over the CPU core.?

        EDIT: ALso, maybe your thermal diodes arent being read correctly, with a case temp that high, running 3fans in a fairly cool room


        • #5
          Case has been open since I noticed the cooling issue. I was getting it down to 74 with a fan blowing right on it and the case open in all directions.

          Voltate: I noticed that was odd and I couldn't find anyone else who's voltage was that high unless they were overclocking wierd... but for some reason it wont let me change it even in cmos. Easytune goes to 0.000 if I change it either up or down

          I got no clue whats up with that... I'm wondering if maybe my power supply is bad? I read somewhere that it messes up voltage and can cause overheating if the power supply is underpowered or broken?

          Beyond that I'm not really sure. I just reseated the heatsink for a forth time and got more thermal gook on it this time but it's not helping. I'm at 47C and I just booted up... although thats not to bad but under any type of load I'm sure it's gona be over 50c again.

          Ohya, diodes I'm not sure of but the heatsink/fan has only 1 clip for each side thats right over the middle... I would prefer something with at least 2 clips for each side to provide stability but ohwell I didn't design this thing... i just bought it cause it had 200+ excellent reviews and was highly recommended by my cousin who uses it on multiple computers and it works great for him... :shrug:

          also: fan is ment to run at 2500 and be "silent and efficient" or whatever speeze claims...It is very quite but my stock amd fan ran at like 4700-5300 or something insain.... made a hell of alot of noise and still didn't keep it cool.


          • #6
            your fan should be running more than 2500rpm's, so thats p-rolly keepin it hot


            • #7
              The core voltage is likely up because easytune put it there but over 1.85v would be excessive and I hate software overclockin' (good for gettin' a startin' point but the BIOS is where true overclockin' happens). Now set everything back to default settings (1.75v for your CPU) and see what happens. If things get back under control then try overclockin' with BIOS settin's and here's a guide. Also Palamino cores do run hotter than Thoroughbreds but what model is that Speeze?


              • #8
                I went in my cmos again and double checked but I can only add voltage. I can't cut it back to 1.75 but I can add more all the way up to +10... go figure.

                My power supply must be messed up or something? Or is there a way to over ride EasyTune and your cmos to fix the voltage?

                Also is there a way to override the fan speed and force it upto 4000, even though it says on speeze website that it's made for around 2700rpm.


                • #9
                  well, if it says only to rn it t 2700rpms, dont run it higher.


                  • #10
                    well i dont really want to run it higher but if it's possible i would try it out and see what happens... not like it could make it run any hotter :confused:

                    what about voltage control though? I just used gigabyte's live bios update cause mine was very out of date. I'm gona reboot and see if it lets me mess with voltage in cmos now but I doubt it will... I wish I had another power supply to test out. Looking at the motherboard manual trying to find if it's a jumper that changes voltage too... be back after a reboot and a run through cmos.

                    Thank you all by the way for the amazingly quick responses :)


                    • #11
                      well I never thought i would be happy to lose settings but the bios update flushed my cmos and now my voltage is 1.770 for the cpu... i still can't change it manually except to move it up.

                      CPU temp is bouncing between 47-48C
                      System temp is at 45C and steady...

                      both temps are with the case fully open, ceiling fan, and another room fan circulating air... this works for now I guess but I still want it a little colder... under load it's gona go nuts and melt the thermal paste all over the cpu chip then it'll prolly start crashing again :mad:

                      blah i can't win hehe


                      • #12
                        I'm not real sure what's goin' on there then but idealy ya system temps should really be no higher than 6C over room temp. :confused:

