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  • FAns

    Yup... i have two case fans and standard heatsink+fan on my if i got a rear case fan would it make much of a difference in cooling my comp?! :thumb:

  • #2
    are both case fans in the front? can you give us a pic so we can see how your configured? Ideally you should have a little more CFM comming into the case than leaving it...but you do need exaust fans to remove the hot air from inside the case. It doesn't do much good to bring in cool air from the front if the hot air can't get out


    • #3
      Well the two case fans are on the side bottom like this @ @ and they both blow in cold air so ....yeah ill get u a pic so u can see (btw how do u post ur comps specs?)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Smpr-Fi
        (btw how do u post ur comps specs?)
        press the keys on your keyboard so the words that spell out your hardware a formed into neat little rows:laugh:

        :confused: I'm not sure I get the question...just type out what hardware you have and what OS you are using
        *if you mean our sigs, then click 'user cp' at the top of the page and then go to 'edit profile' and add what you want to the 'Signature' box

        as for your case fans, sounds like you do need at least one in the rear ...IMO the fan(s) on the PSU don't count as they do a poor job of moving air in the case and do just enough to keep the PSU from getting to hot


        • #5
          hmm ok ty it sounds like a need a rear fan that removes the hot air from the case....... and about the comp thing.....dont worry about it i thought there was something u had to fill out to show it....but nvm...TY!


          • #6
            I was do u reverse the flow of the fan.....can u?!! Cause i mean....wouldn't it be better if i had the rear fan (which is right next the the cpu) blowing air onto the cpu and the other two case fans taking air out ?! its just a thought.... im new at this computer stuff :rolleyes2


            • #7
              this is a general pic to show most of your airflow options:

              it's usually best to have air comming in the fount/side and out the back/top

              most of the hot air is generated by the cpu and video card so it is best to have exaust fans near them to remove it

              if you want more cool air directed towards the cpu/gpu/ or pci cards you could always install a duct or add a fan or 2 in the side door


              • #8
                My comp has two side case fans only right now......and it has room for one rear fan and 4 frontal fans.......should i spend the DINERO filling up all the fan slots??! (5 fans) is it worth the money cuase im not a hardcore overclocker ..yet?! (bTW about the fan flow there a way to change em>? :cheers:


                • #9
                  you can, although I havn't done it's usually easier to just turn the fan around ;)

                  if it was me, I'd put 2 fans in the front, one in the door, one in the rear and something like this in an empty PCI slot


                  • #10
                    minibubba the link doesnt work but im assuming u were trying to show an exaust blower
                    if so they rule, i got 10mhz increase on my geforce 4 memory overclock for no extra noise and it helped cool my case in general


                    • #11
                      thanks metallicat666, that is what I was talking about

                      ...edited my last post so the link is working now :thumb:


                      • #12
                        thank u min u recomend that i get one of those...oh graphics card doesnt have a it possible to just add one on?


                        • #13
                          it's been a long time since I've seen a video card without a fan or a massive heat pipe. What video card do you have? I think I've seen it in another thread but I can't remember atm's been a busy day ;)

                          you can get a replacement hsf for it if it needs it, but I've never needed to replace one so you'll have to ask someone else for a good suggestion.



                          • #14
                            yeah i think i got ripped on that or something i have a gf fx 5200.... with only heat yeah


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Smpr-Fi
                              yeah i think i got ripped on that or something i have a gf fx 5200.... with only heat yeah
                              ooo... a Fx card with out a fan? that can't be good... :(

                              even my old Radeon 7200 had a fan on it

                              I'd suggest you find a replacement for it (or sell it to some unsuspecting person and get a better card :cool: ) unless someone know's something about 5200's that I don't :shrug:

