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  • New HSF

    Ok, here's the story in short: The Cooling on my 1.9GHz P4 sucks and is so loud I'm going to go insane if I dont buy a newer and quieter HSF :p . My set up is kind of screwy (it's a Dell, so I guess I shouldnt be surprised). It appears I have an aluminum passive heat sink on my CPU, with a green plastic duct over it that turns to a 90 degree angle to the back of the case, where there is a 90mm fan on exhaust (noteL it has a screwed up square shaped connector that plugs directly into the mobo). I think that fan doesnt do alot because it's so fan away from HS. THat's all I have for fans on the case besides the PSU fan, so my cooling really sucks. Anyways, I see a couple of options here:

    1) Put on a new HS w/ a fan on it, leave the duct and 90mm. Would having two fans work? or would they short each other out?

    2) Same as above, only take out the duct so that the fan in the back works as an exhaust for the case. Would that cause a heat build up tho?

    I dont know what to do here, I'm kind of a newb at computer building. Any help/suggestions are much appreciated, thx in advance, : peace2: Mista K6

  • #2
    Well my 2.4B @ 2.7GHz uses a Volcano 7+ @ low speed and ya can't get much quieter than that.


    • #3
      That's exactly what I was looking at, for $30, yah really cant beat it. I was also gonna install one of those cyclone things in the expansion slot below my video card so I can o/c back up to where it was (294/591). But will having two fans in that one duct short out or put stress on anything? J/w. If it wont, I'll buy a Volcano 7+ and that cooler and put em in as soon as possible :thumb: . :peace2: Mista K6

