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Silver Grease No Good!

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  • Silver Grease No Good!

    I thought Silver Greese is better than Normal white thermal paste?
    Why when I replace my normal white thermal paste to Silver Grease the CPU temp is higher than it was with the normal one?

    I did follow the tutorial on one of the site that link by one TT user on how to apply thermal paste, but why my CPU temp is becoming higher?

    the thermal grease ingredients according to the manufacturer;

    Silicone Compounds: 50%
    Carbon Compounds: 20%
    Metal Oxide Compounds: 20%
    Silver Compounds: 10%
    Thermal Resistance: 0.06C-in/W

    thanks in advance!

    Oh... by the way, since Silver Grease is SUCKS! how can i remove it from the CPU? Do i need to use special liquids or just a wet cloth will do.

    Again thanks in advance!

  • #2
    silver grease does suck. they are posing as ArcticSilver3, which is one of the top compounds out there.
    So go and get the Real stuff and youll be happy. :thumb:


    • #3
      So you mean, i didn't got the right thing? DAMN! i feel s2pid.
      Anyway, hows arctic silver3 look like? any links?

      By the way, how do i get rid of that **** on my processor? Do i need to use special liquids? or normal wet cloth will do?

      thanks in advance!


      • #4

        I use Isopropyl Alcohol wipes myself which I obtain from electronic stores though Isopropyl Alcohol can be bought in its liquid form and used with a lint free cloth.


        • #5
          thanks Wiggo! but in some cases the the alcohol may reach into the side of the CPU, you the green bit? Is it safe or it can harm the CPU? co'z thats what happen when i try to remove the white thermal paste, its goes on the side of that metal thing.


          • #6
            :laugh: So basically its not a silver looking paste. I thought its a silver so i bought that Bloody Silver Grease. Anyway thanks wiggo!


            • #7
              The alcohol won't hurt the chip. Just don't let it drip all over and stuff.
              Just dampen the cloth and wipe the chip off and you will be fine. The minor bit that stays on it will evaporate rather quickly, so no worries.



              • #8
                Nice thing about alcohol is that it evaporates. In few seconds if you didnt overdo it. But even if ya spilled it, it should be gone fairly quickly.
                BTW there is a fake AC3 out there, with a red cap on, and in a lot smaller tube as compared to real thing.
                I know CompUSA sells the PCtoys stuff, which is AC3 rebadged. (I emailed AC asking if its the real thing, and it is.) :thumb:


                • #9
                  Ok, a little off track here with the topic, but since we're talking about thermal greases, how does the Nanotherm PCM+ Thermal Paste perform? :confused: Cause I need to replace my stock thermal paste. : peace2:

