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Quiet HS Fan?

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  • Quiet HS Fan?


    Need to replace my parents HS/fan. It's a 478 socket p4. What are some good quite HS/fan available out there? Grant it, the computer won't be o/c or anything, they just need something effective and quite since to get the job done.

    Thanks :cheers:

  • #2
    I'm replacing the one on mine too (P4 1.9GHz on a 400FSB). It has a S*** aluminum passive heat sink leading to a duct with a fan that spins 1,000,000 RPM and sounds like a vacumn cleaner. People have recommended the Thermaltake Volcano 7+ as the best choice, so that's what I'm going to get. : peace2: Mista K6


    • #3
      I would have to agree :)


      • #4
        I've heard this is one is silent.


        • #5
          I saw that one too, I'm just going by what's best known. On a side note tho, it always seemed stupid to have the fan right over the CPU and the dissappation fins on the side, so the heat has to travel all that way out. I could be wrong, but it just seems like that to me. Anywho, : peace2: Mista K6


          • #6
            There are a lot more HSFans out there. The TT 7+ isn't the only one.
            The CoolMaster SE Dream beats out the TT in noise and cooling.
            The Aero 7+ is also a nice new one. It uses a different fan design as well. It is really quiet as well.
            There are others ones out there that cost less, and are quieter as well.
            Especially if you are looking for a HSF for a regular computer, not one that is going to be overclocked and stuff.



            • #7
              Anyone know what the Dells use? I have a new Dell OptiPlex desktop at work and it is silent. I mean silent as in I put my ear up to it and I still don't hear it. I can't open it up to take a look but I really would like to know what fan they're using.

              My goal is for my overclocked tower to be silent. I don't know if I can ever get there but I guess I'll just have to experiment and see.


              • #8
                if you want an OC'ed system to be silent, you're going to have to look into liquid cooling or some other extreme cooling options. I don't know of any traditonal HSF that can keep an OC system cool and be extremely quiet at the same time.


                • #9
                  The CoolMaster SE Dream beats out the TT in noise and cooling.

                  I had one on my AMD. Which I replaced with the TT 7+ IMO the SE only beats the Volcano on noise if its turned right down. The SE is the loudest Heatsink I ever purchased. My temps never went below 35c with that heatsink. Slapped on a TT 7+ and they dropped to 26 - 30 after a full days worth of Seti crunching. :hammer: :thumb:


                  • #10
                    Dell, bah, dont get me started. Yah, mine used to be so quiet it was unreal. Then I put in the Audigy 2 (from a SB Live! card), the Ti4200 (from a GeForce 2 MX) another HDD, and more RAM, and wow did I screw it up. It runs constantly at high speeds and it so loud I'm going to go insane. The reason? The P4 only has a passive (no fan) aluminum heatsink on it, with a duct over it that leads to a fan (92mm) that gets the hot air out. Works fine and super quiet stock parts, but the addition of an extra HDD and the Ti4200 pushed it over board. Right now I'm looking to install a TT 7+, an cyclone exhaust right below my vid card, and at least a 80mm intake fan right above the AGP slot and a little forward, that way I can get air to my Graphics car, RAM, HDD's, and CPU. As of now, it only has that one exhaust and a PSU fan (60mm), no intake :( . That's why they're so quiet, with stock parts. I dont know if Dell uses the same system on its opti plex series, but I wouldnt be surprised if it was similar. Hope it helped, : peace2: Mista K6


                    • #11
                      Thanks guys. Looks like i got some comparing to do. And since it won't be for an overclocked system, the quieter it is the better :cheers:

