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  • Heatwave!

    God this heatwave in the UK is really annoying! I know some of you have it worse but I'm English and I'm used to the cold +I live in the south east where its the hottest. I bought a new car before the heatwave and they said would you like the model with Air Con? Too expensive and I'll never use it I said. God how wrong was I. I'm thinking of modding myself and adding extra fans but where do I put them? A exhaust in the head?! a intake on my foot?! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :flames: :flames: :grr: :grr: :steam: :steam:

  • #2
    thats the advandage of living in the north
    our heatwave is over so my computers temps are back down to 'normal' and the room temp is less than 30
    we had rain earlier today so its definately back to the normal british weather we all know and love


    • #3
      Ya heatwave there is just a mild summer down under m8, ya's really should only complain when it's over 42C. :devil win


      • #4
        amen wiggo for the last 5 weeks its has averaged 102f here in central oklahoma (thats U.S.A.)
        (sorry thats about 39c for the rest of the world)


        • #5
          Here in central Arkansas it's been staying just under 100 F, but the heat index is a good margin over 100 (106 now, supposed to be 111 F by 4 pm). But that's perfectly normal around here. Fortunately, the humidty hasn't been that bad (60-70 %)



          • #6
            I don't know how you guys cope. I guess your used to it. In England I'm used to Rain - Fog - Hail (Brimstone occasionally) I've just got back from holiday in Guernsey and the wind going across on the ferry was excellent.

