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Aero 7+ 93%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Aero 7+ 93%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now you guys will see why I choose to use the Aero 7+ for my master machine.

    Here is the link

    That shows it is one of the best coolers out there on the market right now.

    When I do my homework, I do it right. I check and double check to make sure I am buying the right product.

    I hope this doesn't sound like I am mad. But those people out there that want PROOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF need to READDDDDDDDDDd and do their own homework!


  • #2
    Your link dont work.


    • #3
      I hope you're looking beyond the rating number system and paying attention to actual temperatures. Looking at the reviews he lists, he gives the Aero 7 cooler a rating of 93% and it was able to show a best load temperature of 41C.

      The X-Dream SE, on the other hand, only received a rating of 90% but was able to yeild best load temperatures of 36C. Now I may not be the smartest guy in the world, but the 5 degree temperature difference would have me looking at something besides the Aero 7.
      Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
      My Toys


      • #4
        Originally posted by Chezman29
        I hope this doesn't sound like I am mad. But those people out there that want PROOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF need to READDDDDDDDDDd and do their own homework!
        I'm guessing that holding down the keys for letters in certain words is in an attempt to show how much you stand by what you say... I've noticed it in a lot of your posts, and it doesn't really help the seriousness of your posting... but anyways:

        It does look (and sound) like a very fine cooler, but as Darth says, you kind of have to look behind the score and see why it did so well. There are a lot of coolers that cool better than this. I think the reason most people like it is because it has a good cooling vs noise ratio. But for a lot of people it's not going to be appropriate. Some just need the most efficient cooling they can get, despite 'quiet fans' and the like. A rating system doesn't show that. But I'm glad you're happy with your purchase.


        • #5
          The link works for me, as well as the others.

          Beefy, thanks for the constructive criticism. I do like the cooler a lot. It works good in my system. A lot better than the TT 11, and a lot quiter. I also like the "rat cage" design of it, just something different.
          Under load I am running about 36c. Although I do use Cooler Master Premium by Shin Etsu which cuts down the heat by about 2-4c than other premium Thermal Greases.

          Like I have said before, it is all on personal preference.
          I must say though, I do get a little annoyed when all I see recommended is the TT Volcano 7+ since there are so many more coolers out there that do a great job. I think recommended a cooler with a copper base and the special fins on them would be a litte more appropriate.
          I do UNDERSTAND it is a lot easier to just recommend the TT 7 to people who just don't care to learn and will buy whatever you tell them to.
          As far as the Cooler Master SE Dream, I have recommended it EVERYTIME someone has asked what to get. From the reviews I have read, it is one of the best ones out there. Although like I said before, l LIKE something different and stuff that other people don't have.

          No biggie. Thanks for the info on the Aero 7+. I love to learn and any extra info I can get just keeps the "learn something new everyday" going.
          "cheers: to ALL


          • #6
            Thats weird as hell, i cant get that link to work at all, Not in Mozilla, IE, or Opera :( Oh well.


            • #7
              Not that it matters. I think the guys already said it really doesn't matter anyways. 3% better with CM SE dream and it cools better.
              I just like to be different. The "rat cage" design looks cool too! And of course it works pretty good.


              • #8
                I agree with your comment on the TT 7...

                Hell, mine idles as low as 25c at 3ghz with a Vantec Aeroflow...and that is one attractive HSF too. It is also only $27 on newegg.


                • #9
                  As far as the Cooler Master SE Dream, I have recommended it EVERYTIME someone has asked what to get.
                  I replaced mine with a TT7 + just in my personal opinion it wasn't all that great. Altough in its defence it was 100 times better than that stock AMD fan. I'm thinking of using it again though. I'm thinking of taking the TT 7 + replacing my P4 cooler (its a coolermaster with the heat pipe) with that and using the Coolermaster on the AMD again. :thumb:


                  • #10
                    I had a Tt 7+ on my 2500+ barton 11x200 with Artic Silver 3 and got idle 46 load 57.........then I saw a AEROFLOW at a show and bought it to put on one of my kids computers. Before I did I had nothing to do one day and popped it on mine just to compare it with the Tt7+ also had some of the C'ERAMIQUE from Artic Silver and , HEY, idle 41 load 51 ....... these are CPU CORE DIODE readings by the way running Prime95. Also have a lot less noise comming from my case too.

                    I realize this is not the best, some swear by slk800 or others, but I'm running my Barton at default core 1.65v 11x200 and for the first time i can hear my case fans instead of the CPU fan

