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Case cooling questions

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  • Case cooling questions

    Hiya, three things I'm not sure about. I have a Williamate P4 (0.18 micron) I always thought it was a very early socket 478, and software said it was, but this guy I just talked to at my local PC shop said it was a 423. I dont think he's right, but how can I tell which it is w/o taking off the heatsink etc. (it also has clips that attach the heat sink, instead of four screws, which also lead me to believe it is a socket 478). Second, what's a really quiet CPU HSF that still has good performance. I'm replacing the passive aluminum heatsink/wind tunnel setup on this P4 with something better that isnt so incredibly loud; it's not overclocked, so quietness is the main thing. Third, does anyone know of/heard of a fan (intake) set up that is made to fit in a 3.5 inch bay? It's the only open place I have on my comp for an intake fan w/o putting a hole in the case (as it's sealed aluminum). Thx in advance, any help is much appreciated. : peace2: Mista K6

    EDIT: P.S. What's a good epoxy/thermal grease combo. The heat spreader on my Ti4200 is touching only half of a RAM chip in places, so I need something to have it stay on em, cause the two pins aren't cutting it. Thx!

  • #2
    I think you can use cpuid or something like that, if not i am clueless. But, for your thermal grease, i can give you 2 ideas, you can use Artic Silver 3 or Cool master compound.:cheers:
    CPU: Opteron 165 @ 311x9 - 2817.8 mhz - 1.47v
    Mobo: Abit KN8-SLI
    RAM: 2x512 Crucial Ballistic Tracers500 @ 202 mhz 2-2-2-5 T1
    GFX: Asus EAX1950pro @ 648/1408
    PSU: Thermaltake 500w
    SC: Audigy 2 zs
    LCD: 22' Samsung 225bw
    Speakers: Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 Ultra
    Mouse: Logitech G5


    • #3
      TT just did a review of 3 compounds. might want to give it a read.:2cents:


      • #4
        1 - Get fresh diagnose, its free and it giver all information you need about your hardware

        2 - If you want quiet go with Zalman heatsing, the aren't very good cooler for overclocking but they are the best for quietness(?)

        3 - Get a hard risk cooler from radio shack (3 x 40mm fans) 24$ca

        4 - go look at artic silver site: thermal epoxy, these are pretty good (if not the best) but they are expensive.


        • #5
          well, cpuid also said it was a 478, so that's two programs stating so, so I def think it is, that guy at the shop was full of s***. What kind of Zalman cooler should I get? I was looking at the 7000, but it weighs so much (750g) and costs $34, I think its a little more that I need for this application, any other good ones people have used or seen reviews on?

          Those hard drive coolers all fit into 5.25" bays, which I only have two of and both are filled. However, I think I can buy 2 40mm fans, tape/secure them together, and the strap them into that bay below my floppy drive. I also find a place in the front bottom corner of my side panel that I could drill through to put in an 80mm fan, which will also be a big help.

          I looked on the artic silver site and they had artice silver thermal adhesive and artic alumina thermal adhesive. Which is better? The silver uses silver, while the alumina uses aluminum oxide and boron nitride. Just from thermaldynamics class, I remember silver being a better conductor of heat, so I think the former is better, but I could be wrong, help?

          Thx for the replies already, they helped. Lemme know what you people think. Help the noob! Thx, : peace2: Mista K6


          • #6
            I looked around and it seems that the Zalman 7000 All copper cooler is still the best there is. Although I dont like the weight, it doesnt run at more than 25dB and still offers awesome cooling (I'll probably always run it in the 20dB silent mode anyways).

            Also, I calculated all the fans and what not I'm gonna put in the case. It looks like, with two 50mm fans a the end of the 3.5" bay and an 80mm on the bottom (all intake) and an 80mm, 60mm, and slot cooler in the back for exhaust, I'm gonna have 51CFM in, and about 72CFM out. It's not ideal, but its better than the 0CFM I have going in now and about 31CFM out (w.o my case open, as it is now). Also, every single fan doesnt run at more that 26dB, so this is def gonna be a silent case now :thumb: . : peace2: Mista K6


            • #7
              For the Artic Silver compound, it is said that silver is a better heat conductor than aluminum, i use the silver one =D, which i like :cheers:
              CPU: Opteron 165 @ 311x9 - 2817.8 mhz - 1.47v
              Mobo: Abit KN8-SLI
              RAM: 2x512 Crucial Ballistic Tracers500 @ 202 mhz 2-2-2-5 T1
              GFX: Asus EAX1950pro @ 648/1408
              PSU: Thermaltake 500w
              SC: Audigy 2 zs
              LCD: 22' Samsung 225bw
              Speakers: Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 Ultra
              Mouse: Logitech G5


              • #8
                rock on, I will to then, and its only $5, so its all good. Thx, : peace2: Mista K6


                • #9
                  Well what can I say but, I'm still a Volcano 7+ nut and untill someone can supply me somethin' that costs less, is AMD/Intel cross platform friendly and quiet enough plus do the job well then I'll stick with it. :devil:


                  • #10
                    lol, I was just about to post something on that. That Zalman 7000 is too heavy, costs too much ($34), and cools way more than is need for this application. The Volcano 7+ is 28$, and I think I'll just install it and switch it to medium and go . : peace2: Mista K6


                    • #11
                      All zalman is for quiet cooling, its just like a stock hsf but way more quiet. If you are gonna overclock and run your cpu till it sweats, Zalman's aren't for you. Volcano 7+ sounds nice =D
                      CPU: Opteron 165 @ 311x9 - 2817.8 mhz - 1.47v
                      Mobo: Abit KN8-SLI
                      RAM: 2x512 Crucial Ballistic Tracers500 @ 202 mhz 2-2-2-5 T1
                      GFX: Asus EAX1950pro @ 648/1408
                      PSU: Thermaltake 500w
                      SC: Audigy 2 zs
                      LCD: 22' Samsung 225bw
                      Speakers: Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 Ultra
                      Mouse: Logitech G5

