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cpu running hotter than ever

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  • cpu running hotter than ever

    whatsup everyone... this isnt an overclocking question but i didnt really know where to post... heres the basics, i have a msi kt3 ulttra mobo, amd1800+ and a an ocz fan (cant remember the model number). for the past 2 or 3 so months, my idle cpu temperature is around 55C and under load it goes up to 69+C and if i leave it udner heavy load overnight, say for compressing movies, the comp freezes (not sure if it is bc of temp, i am assuming). When i run msi coolerXP the idle temp goes down to about 40C. (i remember it used to go down into the 20s) bios temp probe agrees with the msi coolerxp temp and the fan has a thermal diode which makes it spin faster when hotter.. it is at 3.5krpm, usually it was at 2800. fan heatsink is very very warm to the touch-----

    what should i do here? is this an indication the cpu is going bad, or can i just grab a new fan??? any input is appreciated a bunch, thanks guys


    just saw the thread on cooling probs; heres the info

    this has been during the summer months; room temp is always atleast 80+ and humidity is very very high (NJ)

    case is a generic MID TOWER case and it is _stuffed_--- all ribbon cables. cd burner and dvd drive. 4 hard drives

    motherboard msi kt3-ultra-aru:

    i cannot find info on the fan bc it is so old

    i have two case fans. on one top is intake and a side fan which is exhaust

  • #2
    how many case fans do you have and are they intake or exaust also is the processor overclocked the system may be unstable because of the high temperatures
    try running the computer with the case open and a desk fan blowing into the case


    • #3
      i added the info about the case fans, prolly same time u were responding :D cpu is not overclocked.. its just old :( i know im due for new stuff but id like to keep this running as much as possible... my main concern is that is a very hot running cpu any indication of a failing cpu?? bc the system is stable as hell during normal use--just under 100% load for long periods (2-3hours ) it freezes



      • #4
        What core?? Palomino or t-Bred?
        If its palomino, maybe you had cheap thermal compound and it has dried.
        If its t-bred, may be same thing but those run cooler, i run mine(1800+) at 1880 mhz with stock heatsink and it's at 44 C at load! 20C ambient temp and good airflow.
        To apply new thermal compound go see artic silver site and follow instructions!!! More is not better when it comes to thermal compound!
        For you ribbon cables, you can make them round or you can just do like me and fold them in 4 ant tape em with electrical tape!:wow:


        • #5
          it is the t-bred core and i applied artic silver 3 on it when it was first applied---nearly 2 1/2 years ago i suppose??? i was never very ahpppy with this fan/heatsink combo... perhaps ill pick up a new one and reapply thermal grease and see if it makes a diff

          thanks for all the quick responses



          • #6
            could also be dust!!


            • #7
              ive got a palmino core 1900xp , u need 2 get new heat sink an fan an re attach it, i use alaska 2700 some thing or other an even so it aint cool an thermal grease is better than pads as pads just dry up


              • #8
                Hi here is what I would suggest

                : Before you start spending any money do these first takes a little time but its free.

                Take the side of the case off and re route all the cables so there is as much free space in the case as possiable.

                Swap the fans around get the top one as the exhaust hot air rises so its in the best place to get rid of it :thumb: get that side intake blowing in :thumb:

                Get the vacum cleaner or dust buster or whatever and give that case a good clean out. If you can try and space out those hard drives out a bit a little bit of a air gap can work wonders.

                Now for the money spending part:

                Get some more fans! :) try and get a couple blowing over the hard drives and a couple at the back as exhausts. Also you can get a new good quality heatsink and fan and re apply that Artic paste not too much though.

                you could get a new larger case which allows you to get plenty of space between those four hard drives you could even get a couple of hard drive coolers. I use a cooler master cool drive very good.

                get some proper rounded cables those normal IDE cables are like sales. Get some cable wrap to keep all those molex connectors and non used power supply connectors together and out of the way.

                Just my suggestion but I reckon that certainly help your cooling situation. :thumb:


                • #9
                  alright guys, i took apart my pc and cleaned off the MASSIVE DUST everywhere!!! i had about 1" of dust covering all the fins of the heatsink---i think this did the trick.. but just to be sure i also wire tired the wires and made it nice and clean and reversed the fans, as suggested----now my cpu is at 55C max load whereas it was 69! that is a huge difference.... thanks a million for the help guys, its appreciated


