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Which Gives Greater Heat Dissipation?

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  • Which Gives Greater Heat Dissipation?


    i'm considering whether i will need a fan that will probably cool my new 3200+ better than the 7+ volcano. i have to make sure that it would fit in my lian li and a7n8x. socket A fittings cooler

  • #2
    Heat dissipation will be done by a good heatsink, good fans only moves more air... that is good with every heatsink tho!
    Better HSF than volcano 7+... look at Thermalright, they are heavy but they are about the best you can get with air cooling.. except maybe heatpipes technology.
    BTW why do you want to cool your CPU more?


    • #3
      i think i might get more stable overclock speeds if CPU is cooler. i dunno to overclock, do you think this is cool enough!! temps are in my Sig


      • #4
        I've got my XP2600+ @ 2.3GHz with a V7+ on medium speed and it'll do 2.53GHz on high so I don't know why ya'd want to change it. :confused:


        • #5
          thanks, now i am assured that i can rest my case - questions answered. my setup is way capable of overclocking so its a yes. cheers all. im running without the speed controller attached atm. full speed ahead. cos ive just tied all the cables neatly. im trying to find a way around the fans speed controller cables not crossing mobo or gettin in way. Which is the correct order of connection for fan speed controller to psu with the molex adaptor without bleep from a mis connected cpu fan or psu fan in asus probe without the leads showing too much see!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Wiggo
            I've got my XP2600+ @ 2.3GHz with a V7+ on medium speed and it'll do 2.53GHz on high so I don't know why ya'd want to change it. :confused:
            in the time i've been reading this forum, i don't think i've ever read of wiggo endorsing another HS.

            besides, it's kinda loud on high, even so on medium.


            • #7
              Originally posted by mjmnam
              in the time i've been reading this forum, i don't think i've ever read of wiggo endorsing another HS.

              besides, it's kinda loud on high, even so on medium.
              Firstly if ya were around in the days of the 60mm screamers or heatsinks fitted with Deltas, Smartfans or Tornadoes then ya'd know why I class it as quiet plus for the small amount ya outlay for it it does a good job of keepin' things cool. Sure there are better ones out there but most of those are double the price without without a fan attached. Also as a system builder I buy them in batches and use them on both AMD and Intel setups so that's an even bigger advantage to me.


              • #8
                look, it comes down to basic science, metals have different properties, some cool better some have less resistance(not important when cooling obviously)and many other things. what you want is a copper heat sink with a large surface area and a good fan......THAY ARE ALL IMPORTANT FOR GOOD COOLING!!!! you do not have to be a computer junkie to know this. BASIC SCIENCE will tell you. all you are doing is converting one energy to another the more efficient the better(electricity to heat) hence better heat sinks and fans

