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  • heat

    i just found out my L2 cache wasn't turned on.(thing ran like crap) so before i turned it on my comp ran at 40C. now it runs at 45C. that seems like a bit much to me just for turning it on. can someone show or tell me the proper way to set up case fans. right now i have one intake(front) and two exhaust(back and side panel). thanks

  • #2
    sounds good expect for the side fan, you should probably switch that around to be an intake fan. :)

    btw, what HSF and TIM are you using?


    • #3
      just the stock hsf that comes with processor and i don't know what thermal paste i used


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cicero
        i just found out my L2 cache wasn't turned on.(thing ran like crap) so before i turned it on my comp ran at 40C. now it runs at 45C. that seems like a bit much to me just for turning it on. can someone show or tell me the proper way to set up case fans. right now i have one intake(front) and two exhaust(back and side panel). thanks
        That was strange havin' the L2 cache turned off but yes once enabled the temps would go up. As a general rule ya cases intake fan/s should be mounted low in the front of the case while the exhaust fans are mounted high at the back and if ya have a side panel fan over the AGP/PCI slots or over the CPU then that should also be an intake fan so it sounds like ya side panel fan needs to be turned around.
        Ya don't mention what the CPU is that ya usin' though (Athlon, P4, etc) nor what the room temp is at that time nor whether the CPU is idling or under full load (full load temps are the most important).

