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temp question

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  • temp question

    system specs
    Asus a7v266-e mobo
    amd tbird 1.4 cpu
    onboard sound till I can afford a sound card
    GF2 MX 64M vid
    13 gig quantum fireball

    I've heard that the asus temp probes typically report the temp too high, is this true???

    for now I'm just using the software that came with the motherboard to monitor the temp
    it says 48C idle and 58C under load

    if yall remember my last system with the soyo dragon + and amd 1333 cpu ran at 42 and 52 respectively

    same case here with 2 case fans as opposed to none and a volcano6 CU+ cpu fan as opposed to the standard amd cpu fan

    with all this extra cooling stuff I would think it would be cooler not hotter. Any comments/suggestions?

  • #2
    Yes in most cases they do report higher. :smokin:


    • #3
      good, then I'm not going crazy ;)

      then 58 probably isn't something to worry about, I bet it's more like 48.


      • #4
        Your temps are good don't worry!


        • #5
          C ase fan or two would help prevent heat build up in the case.....which gives whatever hsf you've got a better chance to keep the temp down. To see if it would help, try running without the sidecover for a while and see what difference it makes....also you are stretching the limits of the Volcano6 in terms of its specified are right at the top end of what you can expect out of it....


          • #6
            every Asus board I have ever had has been at least 10F off


            • #7
              I must be really lucky. I have my oc'ed A7V-266E w/ 1600 at a 152mhz fsb (152x10.5 = 1.596ghz), and I have idle temp of 39C and load at 43C. But then again my OCZ Galdiator and 4 case fans are making me go deaf.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Oldbugger
                C ase fan or two would help prevent heat build up in the case.....which gives whatever hsf you've got a better chance to keep the temp down. To see if it would help, try running without the sidecover for a while and see what difference it makes....also you are stretching the limits of the Volcano6 in terms of its specified are right at the top end of what you can expect out of it....
                hum, it says it can handle up to a 1.6GHz CPU
                I don't plan on OC'n it

                thanks for all the input everyone

