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CPU Temps

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  • CPU Temps

    Hey guys i have a Intel D875pbz motherboard with a P4 2.6 HT with 1.5 gig kingston ram with a ATI 9800 pro 128 video card. I have a ThermalTake Case Xaser III super tower with the 9 fans and a ThermalTake P4 Spark 7+ Xaser cpu cooler. My Processor seem to go from 30c to 64c. I was worried when i started noticing it a week ago and have since cleaned all the fans, i cleaned off teh cpu and added new Vantec thermal paste and reset cpu cooler. I still fun those temps :( it stays near 30c untill i load and play a game like World of Warcraft then it gets up to 60-64c. Any ideas or suggestions?



  • #2
    Re: CPU Temps

    Your HSF should be good enough for better temperatures... are you sure you applied the TIM properly and seated the HSF correctly in the bracket? Also double check that the fam of the HSF is blowing downward onto the base of the heatsink.
    Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
    My Toys


    • #3
      Re: CPU Temps

      I have checked and rechecked the fan is blowing correctly and i used the the Vantec thermal paste. Wonder if i should replace the fan on the cpu cooler. think thats my next idea, but seems to be running a constant 4600-4630 rpms on fan. Any other ideas would be great. Thanks for the advice i also contacted thermalTake to see if anything they knew would help




      • #4
        Re: CPU Temps

        is it a prescott cpu? they do run hotter but with all your fans I would think that you have more than enough cooling. Next to look at is the tower positioning, is it in a enclosed area that may be restricting air flow? do you have the inside of the case nice and neat? (all cables tied back to increase air flow) Do you have ribbon ide cables as opposed to rounded cables? Are they resticting air flow inside the case? Also all those fans = more voltage drain on the psu which will generate more heat thus reducing heat disapation. Your fan speed @ 4600 rpm seems way excessive, mine runs at around the 2.5k mark, is there a chance it is faulty? Also 9 fans, what configuration do you have them running in? how many intake, how many exhaust? I have 1 80mm intake at the front, 1 80mm intake on the side (directed onto cpu m/board) 1 80mm exhaust at the rear and my psu has a 120mm exhaust fan that draws from the case above cpu and gfx card.

        My 3.2 Northwood @ 3.84 runs at around 35C idle and gets up around 50C under heavy load (3Dmark 05) but never over 52C in an ambient air temerature of 30C+
        E8600@ 4.25GHz~Thermalright Ultra 120 eXtreme~Foxconn Blackops~4GB Kingston HyperX DDR3 1625 at 1700MHz (8-8-8-24-2N) 1.916v~Asus 9800GTX~18x Pioneer 212 DL SATA DVD-RW~320GB WD SATAII~Antec True Power Trio 650W~Thermaltake Soprano~Vista Ultimate x64 SP2/Win7 RC1


        • #5
          Re: CPU Temps

          Originally posted by kwalford
          I have checked and rechecked the fan is blowing correctly and i used the the Vantec thermal paste. Wonder if i should replace the fan on the cpu cooler. think thats my next idea, but seems to be running a constant 4600-4630 rpms on fan. Any other ideas would be great. Thanks for the advice i also contacted thermalTake to see if anything they knew would help


          The only thermal compound I ever use is Arctic Silver 5, and I'd avoid anything outside the Arctic Silver line. Replacing your current thermal compound with AS5 would make more sense than replacing the fan. Anyway, it sounds like the HSF isn't seated properly or thermal compound wasn't applied properly (or both).


          • #6
            Re: CPU Temps

            Thanks for informations guys, Ill try using the Arctic Silver 5 and see if that helps some. I did get a layout from ThermalTake to make sure all fans were blowing in the correct way, and all was the way they were supposed to be. As to the cables i have rounded cables, everyone is zip tied to keep it neat and cant see if any would cause a problem.



