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Which Heatsink+fan?

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  • Which Heatsink+fan?

    i cannot decide which hsf to get. it will be on an epox 8kha+ board with an XP1800-will be overclocked. the alpha site says that the pal is compatible with the board, but it will touch other components, maybe damaging them...:o
    does anyone have any suggestions?
    ALPHA PAL8045U
    Thermaltake VOLCANO 7+
    Swiftech MCX462

  • #2
    I can vouch for the Volcano 7+ with running a 1800+ @ 2000+ on a 8KHA+ board very well. :smokin:


    • #3
      yea the volcano 7+ would proabably be the best choice....or you could get an thermalrite AX7 which performs about the same but looks much better(in my opinion)....or if u wanna be really crazy like me....u can buy the mofo of a HSF Swiftech mcx462:afro: ...and whack a 69cfm delta on top.....even MY ears can't cope woth the 80cfm


      • #4
        btw it also depends if u plan to voltage mod....all 3 will perform much the same at 1.85 volts but crank up the the voltage to 2.2v and will see that the swiftech handles it better due to it's sheer heat-absorbing properties...gotta love that sexy beast:afro:

        of course this was just one review i read and may not be tru but still....think of that sexy sandwich-thick shint copper base and those beautifully crafted hellicoid gleaming aluminum pins...*drool:cheers:


        • #5
          IMO, heatsinks designed for performance MUST be solid copper. I would suggest something similar to a OCZ Gladiator, if you can find one on the market. If you don't know what it looks like do an image search on google for OCZ Gladiator


          • #6
            I've got an OCZ Gladiator myself (It goes under another name, but i can't remember...). However, if the Volcano 7+ is an option, go for this instead. It's much better than the OCZ....


            • #7
              Beffy a Powercooler PCH137 is what the OCZ Gladiator is for the simple fact that OCZ bought these and repackaged them with their name which is all any OCZ product is, someone else's product under an OCZ name. ;)


              • #8
                fancy that happening.. < / sarcasm>

                I knew it was a Powercooler something.. :D


                • #9
                  If anyone is thinking of buying a heatsink/fan for a P4, don't buy a ZALMAN CNPS 5500Cu.

                  The main problem is the lack of it's cooling capacity, it just doesn't work because the main heatsink section of the 5500Cu is oval where the heatspreader on the Pentium 4 processor is square and is slightly larger than the base of the CNPS5500-Cu heatsink, so that means that parts of the heatspreader was left uncovered and that can result in hot/cold spots on the processor and thus reducing it's effectiveness. Not a good design at all.

                  Hope this helps someone not get caught like I did.


                  • #10
                    Powercooler PCH137
                    SWEET! So it's still on the market?????

                    Anyone have a source?


                    • #11
                      Well they're still being sold here in Australia so I would imagine that someone in the US would still carry them. :smokin:


                      • #12
                        Zeradul, heatsinks disigned for performance don;t have to made out of copper..y is the alpha PAL and swiftech made with a copper base and aluminum pins? bcos copper absorbs heat and conducts it better while aluminium dissapates heat better:) .....incidentally aluminium is much lighter. cheaper to mine and cheaper to imagine if the mcx462 was all copper....i'd pay even more than the ridicoulas $175 when i bought it:cheers:


                        • #13
                          Just a follow up on my problem with the ZALMAN CNPS 5500Cu heatsink/fan.

                          ZALMAN has offered to supply me with a new CNPS6500B-AlCu setup to replace the 5500Cu. I sure hope this one works better.


                          • #14
                            well good luck with it:thumb:


                            • #15
                              while aluminium dissapates heat better
                              Nope. As far as heat sink construction, aluminum has NO advantage over copper other than density. (and price if that counts... AL is cheaper)

                              If they thought they could get away with their design made out of purely copper, they would. And it would perform MUCH better. As you said, copper is much more dense, and therefore the popular (or at least expensive) design you speak of simply would weigh far too much.

                              The ONLY way that the design you mention performs well is due to the MASSIVE CFM capable fans they use. A very popular Alpha PAL model (not sure on exact model #) only defeated the OCZ Gladiator by half of a degree in anandtech's most demanding benchmark, and it had a fan capable of MORE THAN DOUBLE the CFM. (not to mention TRIPLE the retail price (!!) )

