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Very easy way to cool of the back side of your video card!

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  • Very easy way to cool of the back side of your video card!

    Well, I have been surfin for the past few months trying to find a decent solution to cool the back side of my Ti4400. Well, I think I found the cheapest and easiest way.

    I was looking through my junk pile and I saw a retail HSF from a amd 900mhz... I took the fan off and realized that the black mount for the fan might work. See below for what I am talking about. The pic is a 1.4 retail HSF but it shows you what I mean.

    After removing the mount, my thoughts became clear. This mount has four clips on each side to to attach the mount to the HS. Cool, I could use the clips as Stand-Offs.

    So, out came the 5min Epoxy! I just used just a dab per side.

    After the Epoxy had cured, it was a matter of screwing in the four screws. As you can see below, the fan has enough clearance to blow down and outwards to cool of the memory chips also.

    Well, I guess I found a use for my AMD retail fan. I just hope I never have to RMA this sucker in :)

  • #2
    just a few more pics...
    This just shows the clearance that the fan mount has.


    • #3
      nice work and creativity ;)


      • #4
        Is that an Enermax Case? :p


        • #5
          Yep it is! Thanks for the comments Flash!


          • #6
            Now that, Ladies and Gentlemen, looks like some real fine tweaking there. Nice work hbidad, thanks for sharing:thumb:
            The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


            • #7
              Thats a really gd idea...btw Mr.C i like ur siggie lol.


              • #8
                that is brilliant! i'm going to do something very similar to attch a fan on the back heastink of my leadtek ti4600:afro:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by chisholm
                  that is brilliant! i'm going to do something very similar to attch a fan on the back heastink of my leadtek ti4600:afro:
                  All you need is one of those plastic mounts....may be hard to find though... :confused:

                  And Hbidad, thats some sweet improvisation man :thumb: ...very nice.:thumb:


                  • #10
                    yea actually u don;t necassarily need the bracket to attch the fan on a leadtek...u can just use peices of rubber for example to give the fan a bit of clearance.......with a hot glue gun on maybe even super glue.....this is all thx to the inspiration from hbi dad:afro:

                    and thx to all of you for adding your ideas:cheers:

