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Seen a PC burn before part 2

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  • Seen a PC burn before part 2

    I can't find it but does anyone remember the thread seen a pc burn before and there were comments about ya but that was just an AT machine lets see you burn a thouroughbred with geforce 4 ti4600 and how the tears will be more entertaining then the actual blaze? Well it might have just happen

    "Athlon Dangers: Granada Falls, WA - The Wayward Home for Advanced Gamers was destroyed by fire early Wednesday morning. The cause of the fire is yet unknown but the arson investigators did turn up this AMD box with no heatsink to be found. Whether or not the fire was purposefully set is still unknown or whether box cooling ignorance is to blame. Thanks Alex."

  • #2
    Now that might have been a nice rig. :eek:

    Looks more like the HSF broke away though. :?:

    I'll just stick the pic in. ;)


    • #3
      good to see that the audio plugs made it through ok, thats all that matters :laugh:


      • #4 you know the story behind that rig RD?
        - Damien


        • #5
          yes I do.....its the first post in this thread but just incase here it is.

          "Athlon Dangers: Granada Falls, WA - The Wayward Home for Advanced Gamers was destroyed by fire early Wednesday morning. The cause of the fire is yet unknown but the arson investigators did turn up this AMD box with no heatsink to be found. Whether or not the fire was purposefully set is still unknown or whether box cooling ignorance is to blame. Thanks Alex."


          • #6
            stupid me...thanks: party ha
            - Damien


            • #7
              lol.....its like that video that I once saw one tom's where hey took 4 cpu's pentium 4 2GHz, pentium 3 1GHz, athlon thunderbird 1.4GHz, athlonmp 1.2GHz, and they removed the heatsink from the processor while playing quake 3 to make sure the processor gets really hot. Upon the pentium 4 after removing the sink quake ran horrible it was getting like 10-15FPS but that's becuase the pentium 4 has a toggling heat control thingy that brings its speed down to like a few hundred Mhz when they measured the temps it got 84F (289C). upon the pentium 3 quake locked up becuase the processor shuts down when it reaches a certain temp when they measured the temps it got 100F (37.8C). That goes to show that it too has a toggling thing but not as advanced as pentium 4. THe athlon thunderbird was quite amazing. When removing the heatsink quake 3 crashed and got an error and you saw smoke comming up from the core and the core was all white the temps reached 700F (371C) and the athlonmp was basically the same thing but a little more advanced, it has a throttling thing but not nearly as advanced as intel it can only detect 1 degree per second change removing a heatsink during gameplay is far more then that. So the thermal diode failed and the processor hit 560F (293.3C). I don't know if anyone already saw this video but I told you anyway. That goes to show that if I was at school and my heatsink fell off my room or house would light up in flames? lol


              • #8
                Makes you think ..thats F'ed you have a link ro something to see the video?
                - Damien


                • #9
                  Yes there is a 5 page article about it to. I recommend you read it first then you actually get to see it. It makes it alot better.


                  • #10
                    :D Thanks for the link. :cool:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ReSpAwN DeMoN
                      lol.....its like that video that I once saw one tom's where hey took 4 cpu's pentium 4 2GHz, pentium 3 1GHz, athlon thunderbird 1.4GHz, athlonmp 1.2GHz, and they removed the heatsink from the processor while playing quake 3 to make sure the processor gets really hot. Upon the pentium 4 after removing the sink quake ran horrible it was getting like 10-15FPS but that's becuase the pentium 4 has a toggling heat control thingy that brings its speed down to like a few hundred Mhz when they measured the temps it got 84F (289C). upon the pentium 3 quake locked up becuase the processor shuts down when it reaches a certain temp when they measured the temps it got 100F (37.8C). That goes to show that it too has a toggling thing but not as advanced as pentium 4. THe athlon thunderbird was quite amazing. When removing the heatsink quake 3 crashed and got an error and you saw smoke comming up from the core and the core was all white the temps reached 700F (371C) and the athlonmp was basically the same thing but a little more advanced, it has a throttling thing but not nearly as advanced as intel it can only detect 1 degree per second change removing a heatsink during gameplay is far more then that. So the thermal diode failed and the processor hit 560F (293.3C). I don't know if anyone already saw this video but I told you anyway. That goes to show that if I was at school and my heatsink fell off my room or house would light up in flames? lol
                      heheh yea i saw that even has cool music to go with it:D


                      • #12
                        lol yup......especially the video that went along with the "unlocking the athlonxp"


                        • #13
                          :cool: So make sure your audio source is exterior to the pc you plan to burn and video tape so the cool music isn't interupted. :cool:


                          • #14
                            Wonder if AMD has seen that video, maybe someone should send it to them.:shoot3: :shoot2:


                            • #15
                              well if they haven't I'm sure it'll motivate them to put some kind of thermal protection diode in there procecessors

