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Artic Silver

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  • Artic Silver

    Im going to be buying a Volcano 7+, and i know that it comes with its own past thermal paste stuff [what is it called?]. And I would like to know whether it is worth the price and effort to buy Artic Silver??


  • #2
    Arctic Silver (currently version 3) is the industries best. Actually it was for like over 2 yeras. Now its pretty much tied with "evergreen" something. I forgot what that was called. Any was ACS is some really good stuff and its tested to be about 2-3 degrees lower then other TIMS. Just make sure you don't get it on capicitors and stuff like that and you should be fine.

    oh ya and.........squeeze gently lol. If you sqeeze too hard you'll have a smooth streem of acs all over the place.


    • #3
      yeah it is great stuff. I would highly recommend droping a couple of extra dollars for the stuff....especially if you are going to pair it up with the volcano 7+:thumb:


      • #4
        I use arctic silver and so do all of my buddies, it is sweeeet.


        • #5
          Same here...And yaaa...squeeze VERY gently !
          I'd say...At first, squeeze some onto a plastic bag, that way if you do squeeze too much, it won't go where it shouldn't. Then, just "paint it" onto the CPU with a credit card.
          SPAM Special Ops


          • #6
            Hi... I have a 1900+ with just the bone stock thermal compound... The processor is running way too hot!!! It is not over clocked and I have 7 fans in my system all blowing in the direction they are supposed to. The heat sink is a coolermaster with copper on the bottom so I know that is not the reason the processor is running on average at 52 degrees celcius. I am guessing that some arctic silver three would help the problem... Can somone give me a good deal on enough for like two proccessors or so? I would be really apprietiative. Also if someone could post their before and after results from using arctic silver 3 that would be very helpful. Thanks...


            • #7
              You'd probably see a 2-3C drop in temps but those HSF's just arn't suitable for Athlons IMO (good on Durons though). The minimum that I use now is the Volcano 7+ (it's usually my maximum as well unless someone wishes to pay double for better) and this mega roundup will show why. I usually use medium fan speed durin' the day and switch them to low at night. ;)

              I'm on my server atm and with a room temp of 27C I'm getting 29C for the system and 45C for the CPU on medium with Seti running and clocked at 1900+. :)


              • #8
                Thanks for the help Wiggo.. It is very helpful... Another question. Has anyone read about the Thermagic liquid cooling kit on Evergreen Technologies website? It sounds very appealing at its tag of only $99.99... I read a reveiw of it at and they showed test results that it was keeping chips cooler than even the Volcano 9... Let me know...


                • #9
                  Yes that is another good product but still not widely available yet though if you can get it then do so. :thumb:


                  • #10
                    What's in your machine Wiggo??


                    • #11
                      On the right hand side of my sig below are 6 links to pages which show the pc details here, the two middle ones are the one's that I regularly use (Server atm) while the others are share around the family items. ;)


                      • #12
                        So what is the cheapest alternative that I could use for overclocking my system without the use of a HSF??? I really have the desire to do somthing different and boost the efficiency of the cooling system of my computer. So far that water cooler by evergreen technologies seems the best.



                        • #13
                          Why bother with the hassles of water cooling when this is so much better. :devil win


                          • #14
                            That case would be pretty damn sweet... One minor problem though.... It's 545 Euro's!!! That equates to $550 American dollars or 978 Australian dollars!!! Its just a little on the pricey side but, if I was going to super cool my system that is how I would do it. Do you know anybody that owns one of those??



                            • #15
                              $978 for 40 - 80% increase :)

                              Where can i get one !!!!!!!

