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Anyone tried this before?

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  • Anyone tried this before?

    OK, I was a bit bored, and thinking about lowering my CPU temps (Will this EVER stop?), and came up with this mod...Now, I'm not sure if I am actually getting the full CFM from both fans, but the one closest to the CPU is reading 300RPMs faster than it was before, and the CPU temp went down by 1-2 degrees Celsius without adding any noticeable noise to my system (25C/31C at stock idle). I made the 80MM adapter for the Globalwin copper HS out of sheet copper to get the fan closer, and I figured this may be helping the cooling as well. :cheers:

  • #2
    Cool what are the temps?
    - Damien


    • #3
      (25C/31C at stock idle)


      • #4
        .....and 27C/41C overclocked to 2048MHz and loaded...:D


        • #5
          lol we can have a fan stacking contest...who can get the most fans to stack on the processor:idea:


          • #6
            ...I do have about 5 more fans laying around, and if I steal those 5 new blue LEDs from my girlfriends machine....:p
            Hey, I said I was BORED! Sheesh Orion....riding me like a frickin Schwinn...


            • #7
              I read on article on this subject once...the overall result of it was (if I remember correctly) - that in order to obtain a significant increase in air flow from stacking 2 fans together they had to turn in opposite directions.......there were some other points as well, but that was the major one.


              • #8
                Yeah, I didn't really figure that I'd get the full benefit from BOTH fans. Wish I could find that article. Both of those fans are Globalwins, the lighted one is the original that came with the HS, rated at 4000RPM and 55.2CFM, and the top one is from another HS/F combo, rated at 2700RPM and 29CFM....Unless my MOBO is lying to me, they're running at 5300 and 3400RPM respectively...
                Well, it's just an experiment anyway until I can slap the TT Smartfan II that I ordered on there...When I do, I'll test my temps and speeds again and post them in this thread. :thumb:
                Maybe I'm geeking out a bit too much on this subject, but it makes me wonder, if what you say is true....shouldn't exhaust fans turn in an opposite direction from intakes? Counter-clockwise vs. clockwise?
                I've done my best, as I'm sure most have, to "eyeball" an airflow path through the case, given the restrictions on space and placement of fans possible. Are there any articles on wind tunnel tests done on cases? I'd thought of placing pins with silk threads in strategic locations inside my case in order to determine just where the air IS flowing.....Until I can design a case completely from scratch, I'll just have to use the general "rules of thumb" like everyone else....For now, I'm not complaining as I've got decent temps without any side fans or blowholes. :cheers:


                • #9
                  Nice clean application of pc tweakin' ther Wordbiker.......and as
                  a fan is a fan is still just a fan......applying them to task of intake
                  and or exhaust means simply turning them so that the Wired side
                  faces the intended direction of air flow. And stacking them,while
                  acomplishing short lived success, will burn out the top most one
                  at far faster rate.......hence the reason they appear to run at different speeds. Kinda like stacking Jet Turbines.....although
                  it increases the amount of cold air's not very cost
                  effective in the long run.
                  And if you know any touring rock bands or money isn't a crucial issue for you, borrow/rent a smoke pot for testing Wind tunnel/case air flow........maybe if you're realy realy bored one of these days/nights {they all seem to just run together for me}
                  ya might try inventing the first Colored Canned Air so we can
                  all test pc case air flow without the probs:wow: :rofl: : peace2:

                  Least i forgettaboutit, with the dual fan PSU being soooo close
                  to the CPU HSF {since your not using a true Full Tower case}
                  you'll also find that that double stacker will **** up the PSU fan
                  as enermax P365 PSU isn't affected by the Alpha 8045's
                  Antec Tornado since it only kicks the PSU lower fan on at Higher
                  Temps/shifts to faster system never reaches Temps over 90 it's not an issue for me.
                  Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you recall.


                  • #10
                    ya might try inventing the first Colored Canned Air so we can
                    I got some smoke flare things that i picked up while on a trip to Georgia in one of the firework places. its good for about 30sec and has cool camo smoke. they were like 50c each or case of 100 for $25, so i got a 100 of them :D
                    i think those would be pretty good for wind tunel testing systems intake/output. I wont do it cuz i aint got no window.


                    • #11
                      Well, n/p there Kane2g, just fire a couple 'o those puppies
                      my way and i'll send y'all a High res pictorial/How-to Review
                      :devil win
                      Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you recall.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Wordbiker
                        [B]Are there any articles on wind tunnel tests done on cases?
                        There was such an article, but the results were that none of the cases were very aerodynamic and in the process were ripped off their mounts and smashed to crap. j/k

                        :devil win


                        • #13
                          :laugh: :rofl: ;)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Wordbiker
                            :laugh: :rofl: ;)
                            What up semanticCyclist, sent ya reply to pm but it spazed
                            out when tried to send so........let me know if ya got!
                            The admins complainin' 'bout too much taffic on pm"s lately
                            and as i have a problem being sententious i'd better just email
                            ya instead K? O-Tay! And definitely go with the TT 7+ and back out 'o that Smart fan order cuz 7+ comes with one....& proper
                            lapping can make a 3-10 degree difference alone! Well, i gotta
                            get back to rebuilding this Gibson L5 Jazz guitar.....Later: peace2:
                            Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you recall.

