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? lapping a CPU ?

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  • ? lapping a CPU ?

    I've been reading all the "how too's" I can find about lapping A heatsink for the CPU, but is it dangerous to lap the CPU (P4) too? Will it cause damage to the CPU, or is it a good idea to do both?

  • #2
    Since the P4 uses a heat spreader, you might be able to pull off a lapping of the processor, but I wouldn't want to bet the farm on it working. Besides, between the new finish of the base of the heatsink and a good application of a quality interface material, you should see improved results.
    Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
    My Toys


    • #3
      Been a bit since I've seen a lapping discussion.

      Lapping will only harm a CPU if done improperly.

      That said, I really don't think there is much to be gained from lapping a P4. As long as you keep it below the throttling point you should be good to go. (throttling occurs at or about 74° C)

      Unless you are going to get quite Extreme with it, it probably won't gain you much of a noticable improvement. A high quality heatsink and good airflow should take you a long way in itself.
      The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


      • #4
        cool, thanks.


        • #5
          Sorry too say this might just qualify as crack head
 to leave PCU core as is...........and
          where preytell did ja get your it is the
          official emblem of The Church of New Songs, of which
          i am a Sealed Revelation Minister........we copped it
          from trip to Hymalaya's off a Napalese Dhali Lama
          poster...............:eek: : peace2:
          Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you recall.


          • #6
            It's an AUM.

            Music, Words, Ideas, Bach, Books, and more. The website of David Gordon, singer, author, historian.


            • #7
              Thank's i guess i should be more specific when phrasing
              my question as was not inquiring as to the definition
              of Mantra/Tibetan breath of universal energy refered to
              commonly as God..........was being far more literal, as in
              where exactly you found the animation of same said
              A........uuuuu...mmmmmmm. i actually have some rare
              film footage with awesome{in it's true god inspired meaning}
              audio of the Tibetan Monks doing theire hourly morning
              sunrise prayer in the form of Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
              uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
              in every possible human vocal octave tone, that is entirely capable of age-ing ones soul to antiquity with the most
              impressive of spiritual at-one-ment psychologically imaginable.
              :eek: :tears: : peace2:
              Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you recall.


              • #8
                Here is a "great" CPU lapping guide, I've posted this before, but it's worth seeing again.

                And just cover my @'s here, but if any is actually nutty enough to do this it's not my problem.

                Random theoretical question here, but if it was possible to manufacture a P4 with a heatspreader that had a serrated top and had a heat sink with a matching serration, would this improve surface contact and cooling by a bit?

                Is this just something that is impossible to do on a large scale or am I being stupid again.


                • #9
                  dryadsoul - I just googled for AUM and surfed around until I found one I liked. I can't remember exactly where I found it.

                  I would LOVE to get a copy of that footage, or at least the sound file if it's on your computer.

                  Smokey theBalrog - That article is great! first time I've seen it. (n00b):rofl: I'm about to give it a try!


                  • #10
                    Check out the rest of humor articles you'll be on the floor. :D


                    • #11
                      I dunno... In lapping the CPU, it seems like the potential for bad outweighs the potential for good. Just my humble opinion. :)


                      • #12
                        The last time that I lapped a CPU was a K6-2 500 with a buckled heat spreadder but unless your's shows signs of this (I use a steel ruler to check) then I wouldn't bother doin' it as the potential to do major damage is there. ;)


                        • #13
                          Hey,'d the move anywho? And have ya ever
                          seen an AMD made chip that is an Intell? cuz i got one!
                          It is on the mobo of a 386 sx intell Full tower server made by
                          Altos for the Oregon Health & Science University that i bought for
                          $3 usd. It's DOM 1989 USA and has 2 bios chips & 4 chipsets all
                          socketed,460 w PSU, all 1/8inch stainless steel rear split/front pivot case w/120mm 100cfm rear fan & chips from Texas,Japan,
                          Germany,Austria,Sweden,Yugoslovia and Denmark.........:wow:

                          Sys-Ex,Yo.....when find video can copy audio to pc & run
                          ya a copy,but, as don't own TV/VCR ahhhhh no luck on da video
                          K? K!

                          NegoBalrog,On that Random Theory ? in my oppion Hell Ya
                          as far as on large scale.hhuuuhaahaaaaaa i thought ya was from
                          NY,NY & intelligent/edumacated.........Please see my New Avatar!!:shh: :wow: :devil win :cheers:
                          Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you recall.


                          • #14
                            :cry: :tears: :cry:

                            Well I figured it would be impractical I guess a better question would be if anyone would know what if any theoretical improvement could be gained by it.

                            Sorry the whole newbie thing next to my name is getting me to act more newbie-ish than usual.

                            And who said I'm eduma-thingy I just went to school, I never said I learned anything. :rolleyes:


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SmokeyTheBalrog
                              :cry: :tears: :cry:

                              Well I figured it would be impractical I guess to act more newbie-ish than usual.
                              Now,now,there's no need to cry mikie..........i just meant it would be extremely time consuming/unprofitable as serrated edges are
                              difficult if not impossible to machine lathe/lap & than Polish compared to a totaly flat surfaced high tech metal unit, and
                              the P4 already cost too many body parts/first born as it is.....
                              agreed:?: However, if both HS/CPU cores were manufactured
                              by the same company & fully machine sufaced at same time on same milling perfect twin mirrored mating surface:2cents:
                              Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you recall.

