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CPU temp way too high!

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  • CPU temp way too high!

    aparently my factory standared heatsink/fan unit isisn't working that well. here is the problem when I play games I can almost smell something burning.

    can anyone help me?

  • #2
    Simple sollution put on a new heat sink:cheers: copper to be precise


    • #3
      I ordered a new heatsink couple days ago It just arrived thank God!
      good timing anyways.......

      Update It still isint working still way too high 55 degrees c


      • #4
        Okay forgive me for sounding patronising (sp?) but you have applied thermal paste... not too little and not too much? You've made sure that the bottom of the heatsink has no deformities? (eg., if you can notice a bend or such on the heatsink, take to a machine shop and get 'em to help ya fix it)... You've checked that your software is checking the internal CPU diode and not the thermistat on the mainboard? Or that your probe you use for your rheobus (if you use one) is positioned correctly? Because I know certain mainboards (like mine for example) display CPU temp incorrectly. Shows my CPU running at 72 C idle, 85 C w/ load, but, my bios and my probe both are in the neighbourhood of 28 C idle, and 35 C under full load (seti@home and gaming). Just a thought :)


        • #5
          Thanks a bunch,but I know what happend....sadly I dident plug in the fan power switch in to the right plug I mistaked a jumper for the plug: omg: : omg: : omg: :cry: so My cpu didn't have any proper cooling and guess what happend...I kid you not smoke was comming out of the case I opended the case and there was a fire! I had to put it outside it was so bad my friend was over with his digicam so I took the camera and took a pic not so funny If your the owner of the comp...oh well I needed a new one anyway.


          • #6
            Ya ought to be a shamed of ya self for doin' that. : omg:


            • #7
              Hated that comp anyway I loved watching it burn!:geek: :eek: :flames: :flames: :flames: :flames:


              • #8
                your kidding right?


                • #9
                  actually I have been to that site and its not a bad site,but why on earth would he post that in here?


                  • #10
                    If you go to the website of the folks who make your next motherboard, you may find that you can download this thingy known as a "manual".
                    Those manual doojiggers tell about the points of interest on the motherboard, like jumpers, plugs, and other silly stuff.
                    Yeah, anyway, you might want to check into one of those for your next PC.

                    Or, as an alternative, a lot of retail, auto, hardware, home improvement types of stores offer to sell these whatchamacallits commonly referred to as a "fire extinguisher".

                    Yeah, anyhow, I'd reccomend checking into one of those 2 options:rolleyes:
                    The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                    • #11
                      Surely you know where I got that pic from:D , or maybee you haven't read that thread(I forget where it is, there are soooo many) It was all a joke, I'm not really the one who did this these guys did

                      oooh I'm sooo bad about these pranks!

                      :shh: :rofl: :rofl: :shh:

                      :flames: :flames: :flames:

