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is this 2 hot or normal

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  • is this 2 hot or normal

  • #2
    What are u using to monitor the temps, and what mobo do you have (the temp sensors on some mobo's are known to be a little out of wack). :confused: Anyway, those temps are high, especially the load temps with ur case closed. The Intel stock hsf's are decent, so I would suggest checking out ur case airflow. We could help you out more if u told us what kind of case you have and where ur fans(if any) are placed. :cheers:


    • #3
      mobo --GA-8INXP
      not shore what brand case but got far at the back near cpu blowing out and 1 at the front going in


      • #4
        is it a mid-ATX size case? easy way to tell is if you can fit your hand in the case with out getting cut on can you see the memory without moving anything?!

        cause if you cant, then your case is causing the high temps, being its so cramped in there....


        • #5
          well i can get ram out without pulling anything and also get the cpu out without thaking anything out:thumb:


          • #6
            I'd suggest trying to improve ur case airflow by either putting more fans in, or getting higher cfm fans. Remember to put intake fans at the bottom front, and exhaust at the top back cuz hot air rises. Also if you feel comfortable cutting ur case, adding a blowhole to the top of ur case can help remove a great deal of hot air from ur case :thumb:. Hope this helps :cheers:


            • #7
              in that case (hehehe i made a pun) you could easily add a fan or add one to the side as well...low part of the side...and its not that hard to do either.....also somethin can make a 2-3* difference is removing the finger guards...these block a signifcant amount of air flow....and can be removed with a simple set of wire cutters, or tin snips....


              • #8
                One thing those who don't have top blowholes overlook is little 40mm fans mounted to a 5 1/4" drive bay cover, exhausting air out... The top of the case infront of the PSU (providing your PSU is at the top of your case)... for the sake of argument let's say it is :) Inbetween your PSU and your top 5 1/2" drive bay is one of the warmest places inside your case... and that air don't go anywhere. Blowhole preferred, but you can pick up little 40mm fans cheap and mounting them on an unused 5 1/2" drive bay cover is a snap.


                • #9
                  those temps sound about right, a lot of ppl are bios towards intel's temp and amd's "high" cousins p4 runs 10 C higher than my OCed 1800--->2100xp i run around lower 30s, and once in the upper 29 w/ air cooling


                  • #10
                    Basically with P4's throttlin' starts at around the mid 70C's but I recommend keepin' the CPU below the 60C under 100% CPU utilisation though mine rarely sees above 40C so look at ya case airflow as it seems to be lackin' some what.


                    • #11
                      The 3.06 runs about 3 degree's hotter than a 2.8 (from my experiences) with almost any cooling :) (stock or not). It's voltage is also increased, thus probably the extra bit of heat generation. Low 40's is good, but since your running cooler with the side off, first thing to look at is your airflow like Wiggo suggests :)


                      • #12
                        thank you all for your answers they helped heaps:cheers:

