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Heatsink fan...

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  • Heatsink fan...

    Hey I have an Athlon XP 2100+ with the stock heatsink/fan on it. My temps are about 42C idle/47C load (no o'cd). Question is: would installing a better 60mm fan on top of the stock heatsink cool any better for it to be worth it? If so, are there any specific fans you would recommend? Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Well yes you can fit a high performance 60mm fan to it such as a Y.S.Tech 7k 40cfm, Black Delta 38cfm or even the monsterous 60mm x 38mm 50cfm Delta but be warned that all these fans are bloody LOUD. There are better and quieter solutions out there though such as the Thermaltake Volcano 7+ that I favour.


    • #3
      Though a good after market fan would drop your temps a little, if you're not going to oc, I'd say your current temps are fine. You've got a 3yr warranty on the cpu/hsf anyway, so I don't see any benefit to upgrading if you continue to run stock settings.


      • #4
        Well thanks for the responses guys. Wiggo, I really would like to stay away from something that loud ;) . I have heard of the Volcano 7 but I don't know if I'm up for the challenge of taking everything apart, removing the heatsink and putting the new one on :p . Mostly due to the fact that I'm very inexperienced and don't want to mess anything up. Maybe one of these day I'll be ready for that. So I'm guessing there aren't really any effective but quiet 60mm fans? About overclocking, again I'm inexperienced but would definetly like to try it although the other day I upped the multipler from 13 to 13.5 and the computer didn't boot :(. One more question, would a better case fan, or power supply, cool the processor any more? Alright thanks again.


        • #5
          Better/more case fans can usually help ur cpu temps because tehy bring in more cold air and get rid of the hot air in ur case. We can help u better with where to put them etc. if u tell us what kind of case u have and where ur fans are :thumb: A good way to test ur case airflow is to run ur sys with the sidepanel off for a while and see how much ur cpu temps drop :bounce2:


          • #6
            Well, unfortunetly I bought a fairly cheap case at a local computer fair (no brand). It has room for one 80mm fan in the back (exhaust) and it looks like one in the front but I'm not sure. I mean, on the inside it has the holes and everything so a fan could be placed in, but when looking at the outside it there's not really any holes so I don't see how the air could be brought in. :( *sigh.


            • #7
              A case with good airflow is a must for modern systems. Also I said a "7+" and not the plain 7 but a good PC store can fit it for you.


              • #8
                Cut a 3' hole in the front of the case and put a grill over it.

