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Ram it to me!

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  • Ram it to me!

    Which would be better.....512 meg 2x256 of pc2100 or 256 meg 1x256 of 2700? This is going on an Nforce2 mobo...just thought I would ask!

  • #2
    Ram it to me!
    Sounds like a dirty proposal ;)

    what cpu are you using????
    barton core is 333FSB
    the tbreds are 266FSB.
    But if you are OCing than i would go with the faster, PC2700, as its a 333FSB, if your CPU can handle 200FSB go with PC3200.
    2100 is 266 which will slow you down.


    • #3
      Originally posted by CheeZmonZter
      Which would be better.....512 meg 2x256 of pc2100 or 256 meg 1x256 of 2700? This is going on an Nforce2 mobo...just thought I would ask!
      Hey man go for the 2x256 mb option, else you won't use the Nforce2 mobos dual channel memory.. Which will seriously reduce your performance..:2cents:



      • #4
        Originally posted by The__tweaker
        Hey man go for the 2x256 mb option, else you won't use the Nforce2 mobos dual channel memory.. Which will seriously reduce your performance..:2cents:

        He's right u know:D


        • #5
          this is going in one of those Shuttle XPC systems so there is no place in the bios to OC it, it will be just the ram to speed things up, there is room in the bios to play with the ram timings but I dont know if the pc2100 can handle aggresive timings or not i guess i will have to ram it in and play around with it:smokin:


          • #6
            are you guys serious, 2 sticks of PC2100 beat 1 stick of 2700 with an Nforce chipset??


            • #7
              Min. w/ an nForce2 mobo should be 2x PC2700 but I can vouch that 2x XMS3500 will work to the extreme with that chipset.


              • #8
                I dont have two 256 pc2700's here only one 256 and one 512..can you mix match different sizes?

                I really like this little comp so far! Ittakes up a lot less space on my desk than a normal case...i mean I can palm the damn thing! If it wasnt such a pain in the a$$ to change CPU's in it i would toss my 2700 in it with the XMS. The interior of the case is just so small there isnt really any playing room. so far it is doing S@H in about 3hrs or so. I will have to see after it gets some more WU done to see what the Ram difference is...I might just toss in the XMS for the heck of it! It has a Xp2200+ in it right now, for now....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by zeradul
                  are you guys serious, 2 sticks of PC2100 beat 1 stick of 2700 with an Nforce chipset??
                  Dead serious. ;)

                  But as Wiggo stated, faster memory is of course prefered..



                  • #10
                    yeah but isn't the 2100 going into dual channel?


                    • #11
                      t00lb0x yeah but isn't the 2100 going into dual channel?
                      Yes the system in question is one of the Shuttle XPC small form factor was to cute to pass up ( not a good reason to buy a comp but oh well it does have an Nforce board in it!) I had one 256 meg stick of pc2700 and two sticks of pc 2100....I didnt know if it would still be faster with the lower speed ram considering the dual channel of the mobo. I guess it would be faster...but I am still wondering if I can run missmatched sticks or one 256 pc2700 with one 512 pc2700 would this mess with the mobo? Also one is Samsung the other is Crucial if that makes a difference? Just for grins and giggles I tossed in the XMS 3500 2x256 to see what it would do in this little guy...bumped the ram up to 400 will try it a little higher if I can after I see how stable it is here.


                      • #12
                        are the 2100 made for dual channel?


                        • #13
                          i appologize, you are rigth. I forgot that nf2 boards have dual chanel ram.
                          dual channel 2100 will be better than one2700.


                          • #14
                            kane, we dont know if the ram is made for dual channel though so...


                            • #15
                              Does it really matter to get "dual channel" ram? If i understan the ram tech its only matched pairs, so the ram modules are as matched as possible...i dont think it matters what kind of ram you have but the matched sets are a bit faster..or just a better selling point...?:shrug: :shrug:

