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Need Help Any1 Plz

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  • Need Help Any1 Plz

    Hi all you tweak town members out there! Hope us are all good.

    I need some help overclocking my computer.

    It's a:

    P4 3.0ghz
    asus P4S8X motherboard
    512 ddr 333 memory
    and a Ati radeon 9700, but i think it may be a 9700pro i'm not sure ( its red if that helps )

    it's supposed to be a 9700 but when i downloaded the catalyst drivers, it comes up as a 9700 pro in the control panel, display.

    Anyway, i'm a newbie ( i changed the jumpers on a 300mhz to make it a 333 a few years ago ) so will some1 plz give me some1 advice.

    Also, i read a review on my motherboard and it said that asus where bringing a bios update out that increases the performance by quite a bit, but i don't know how to update it.


    Martin Riches, Newcastle, UK

  • #2
    and flash your updated bios.............but, any changes you made regarding the jumpers..........well, i don't know if flashing the bios now wouldn't screw you up if for some reason you created a compatibility issue


    • #3
      I've been to the Asus website and the latest driver they've got for my bios was made in 2002, however they've got a beta driver made this yr. How do you flash your bios?

      Also, do you know anything about the ati radeon cards? what colour is the pro board?


      • #4
        Well from the looks of your board and memory you won't be doing much overclocking...thats an SiS chipset which means it has no AGP/PCI lock.


        • #5
          Correct me if Im wrong but I do believe the AGP/PCI frequency is locked on that mobo


          • #6
            Thanks for the replies, i've just flashed my bios to a newer version!

            I was wondering about the setup of my bios, in that i don't know how to set it up for optimal performance.

            Also, can any1 answer my question on the graphics card? is the 9700 pro a red circuit board or green, or how can i tell what it is?



            • #7
              A lot of ATI cards show up wrong for some reason, but it doesn't mean you have a Pro if its a non pro.


              • #8
                I have a 9700np that shows up as a 9700 pro as well, but I've reflashed the bios on it so it wouldn't know any better anyway. Don't worry about it.


                • #9
                  What do you mean u've reflashed the bios on your 9700, how do you do that, and what does it do?



                  • #10
                    Flashed it with the 9700 pro bios so I could overclock it.


                    • #11
                      Nice one! So is it running much faster? as fast as a pro?

                      Do ou know a lot about motherboards? cos i've got a asus p4s8x-x mobo with a 3.06ghz cpu, and i want to know if i can overclock it a bit. I know you can in the bios. But i don't know what a safe speed would be, cos the only cooling i've done to it, is put one extra fan on the back ( a one of those neon led fans ).
                      What cooling would you suggest, that is quite easy to install?



                      • #12
                        My card is running a hell of a lot faster than a pro. Core is at 448mhz, up from stock of 275. I also vmodded it and replaced the heatsink though so that helped a bit (check my sig for links).

                        Depends what ram you've got in that board.


                        • #13
                          i don't know what sort of ram it's running on, all i know is that it's 512 ddr 333, how do i find out what sort it is?


                          • #14
                            That's all you need to know. Your FSB is running at 133mhz right now, and that ram is rated for 166 (333 / 2).

                            Try increasing the FSB on your board a bit, to about 140 or so. This will also increase your CPU speed. You can keep increasing it bit by bit until it gets unstable or your temps get too high.


                            • #15
                              what temp should i keep it below?

                              Also what cooling for inside my computer would you advise?

                              appreciate it

