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SATA and overclocking

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  • SATA and overclocking

    Ok so I just installed the SATA adapter that came with my motherboard on my hard drive today and when I went to start up, it blue screened and restarted as it was loading windows. I go into bios and change the FSB and multiplier back to default and now it works. How can installing the SATA adapter on my HD effect my oc?

  • #2
    All I can think of is make sure AGP/PCI are locked to 66/33mhz. I run my system off a Raptor and I obviously don't have any overclocking problems.


    • #3
      Yeah I have the AGP bus locked at 66mhz but I dont see any place to lock the PCI bus?


      • #4
        PCI runs at half that so if you have the AGP locked at 66 the PCI is at 33 like it should be.

        Have you tried restoring default settings and trying to overclock again? Mine can be picky sometimes and won't boot one day even though those are the settings I use every day.


        • #5
          Yeah, I tried restoring default settings and then overclocking again but once again i get the blue screen. Weird.


          • #6
            in fact SATA device is very sensitive to the srs clock. if u wanna oc with a SATA device on I think there is some special way to do it. go check more information on internet.


            • #7
              Originally posted by lamarodom007
              in fact SATA device is very sensitive to the srs clock. if u wanna oc with a SATA device on I think there is some special way to do it. go check more information on internet.
              srs clock?


              • #8
                could have been trying to say sys (system)


                • #9
                  I run a Raptor and it doesn't seem to mind....i've booted at 3.5ghz and have a screenshot of 3450mhz....


                  • #10
                    I got it to work after raising the EXT-P2P's discard time to 1ms.


                    • #11
                      Ok, now that I got that solved I have one other question. My video card and sound card are sharing an IRQ, how can I fix this?


                      • #12
                        Are they in 2 PCI slots side by side?

