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  • Wow

    say it would be too much to ask of the xp2500 to be clocked up to 2.8Ghz+ right?

    check it out roll down the page to check out some others as well.

    :rofl: :spam: :rofl: :spam: :rofl: :confused:

  • #2
    Notice the extreme cooling measures, I believe the 2.5Ghz, but 2.8 is pushing what i can believe


    • #3
      wow, this guy from japan got 3.2 ghz on a 2500+ usin LN2 cooling, but what i dont get is other people ar using LN2 too but they only get the max of 2.7 average.



      • #4
        Another great thread title I see but around 2.2-2.4GHz is the usual range for one of them on air coolin' (further will need an exotic coolin' setup). Luck is also 90% of overclockin'.


        • #5
          What do u mean luck is 90% of OC' :?:


          • #6
            Luck is just that, ya may buy the best parts available but just one part has to be below par to limit any overclock which is why we tell ya's that no two CPU's will overclock the same as there are just too many variables involved. This is why I stated "around 2.2-2.4GHz is the usual range" as some won't get there and a few will go just that bit more (but not by much).


            • #7
              Note that this jackass lets his poor CPU run at a vcore of 2.2 - this is crazy. Such a high vcore dramatically increases the risk of burning the CPU, no matter how good the cooling is.

              Anybody using a Barton 2500+ with a good stepping should be able to get results close to the one shown there when raising the vcore to 2.2.

              Another question is - does the system run stable? It may be possible to boot windows, but I'm pretty sure the system will crash as soon as this crazy jap runs Prime or HotCPU.


              • #8
                ye' that i have been wondering about.

                I dont think that he ran prime95 or somthing like that.

                but anyways :drool:


                • #9
                  There are quite a few ppl in the SE Asian area that have nothin' better to do than to spend money on a setup just for a one off attempt at gettin' the highest o/c possible of a particular setup and once done they usually throw most of it away as the components are usually close to stuffed afterwards (a stupid waste of good hardware IMO). :hammer:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Wiggo
                    a stupid waste of good hardware IMO
                    Could not agree more, why on earth spend dough on a comp that ya won't even be able to use for something..?

                    No matter the wallet size, I just don't see a reason..:confused:

                    Maybe just me beeing to boring.. :shrug:

