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Overclocking Pentium 3 550/100/512

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  • Overclocking Pentium 3 550/100/512

    I'm looking to overclock this processor. My dtk mobo only has 66/100 FSB. No features in Bios to change. only jumpers on board. What other ways can I overclock this processor. I'm new but eager to learn.

    Intel Pentium III 550 Mhz 100 FSB 512 L2 Cache S.E.C.C. 2 SL3F7
    Motherboard is DTK PRM 0080I E0 version 1.00
    Intel Chipset 440

    Yeah yeah I know this is old school, but why not get out of it what I can. I'm also looking to OC my graphics card which is:

    Ati Radeo 7200 64MB SRD Memory

    Any suggestions, let me know. Thanks

  • #2
    For Graphics:, download one of the overclocking utilties.
    Power Strip, Radclocker, or rivatuner, Rage3DTweak

    For the Processor, is your system an OEM system? (Ex: Dell, Compaq, Gateway) If it is, your outa luck, you wont get anywhere. If there is no BIOS options, your only other option would be an app that would of came with the board, although I believe those would still need to interface with the BIOS and change options, or you could check for DIP switches on the board. Becuase its an Intell system, you can only OC the FSB, not the multiplier.


    • #3
      First off, you will have very limited success (if any at all) with the 550 processor. They were never noted for their success in this category.

      Now that we have that out of the way, you might look into some sort of utility that allows overclocking the FSB. They have limited support, but if I recall, SoftFSB was one of the better ones around. You'll want to do a Google Search and research which chipsets it will work with to see if you can use it. If not, then you may be able to find something along those same lines. But basically, what it does is give you a broader range of choices for FSB settings to give you a better shot at being successful.

      Good luck! :D
      Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
      My Toys


      • #4
        I've read many many articles in regards to successful overclocking of this cpu. The system I'm running is a make it want I want it system, lol. No HP, Dell, Gateway, etc.. My own little system. It's the puter04 system, yeah yeah, that's it. In regards to the OC of the CPU, I dont' know what I can do. The mobo is limited. If you have any other suggestions, let me know. I may have to update mobo to oc this cpu. I do have an ASUS P3 coming. We'll see then.

