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Lanparty/2400+ OC

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  • Lanparty/2400+ OC

    Ok...I'm a real noob when it comes to overclocking...

    I need to know where to start on overclocking my new pc I just built:

    Lanparty NFII Ultra
    AMD 2400+ CPU
    One stick of "Crucial" memory-PC3200 512mb
    9800 Pro videocard w/128mb
    Axio case with 400 watt PS

    I know squat about all these "mutipliers" and voltage setting.

    Has anyone out there overclocked a system similar to mine? What are some good "Genie BIOS" setting to start with that won't force me to install a water cooler or anything else to elaborate?

    Any help? <<< what are these things anyway??? lol

  • #2
    You shouldn't need to install anything if the overclock is small enough. I managed to get an additional 500 MHz out of my Pentium 4 2.5a with virtually no temperature increase, and you should be able to do similar as long as you have good airflow in your case and a good fan.

    You could always try flashing - changing the amount that is multiplied rather than the actual multiplier (try your Power & Voltage settings in your BIOS). This will also increase your RAM speed as well. That's what I did, and I'm happy with it, though it's potentially more dangerous. If your motherboard doesn't allow for you to enter a number but instead gives you preset settings, then I'd stick with increasing the multiplier rather than flashing.

    Sorry about the lack of responses...sometimes posts get drowned out if there are a lot of others.


    • #3
      Temperature increase only happens when you add more v-core i think, besides that temperatures should stay around the same.:cheers:
      CPU: Opteron 165 @ 311x9 - 2817.8 mhz - 1.47v
      Mobo: Abit KN8-SLI
      RAM: 2x512 Crucial Ballistic Tracers500 @ 202 mhz 2-2-2-5 T1
      GFX: Asus EAX1950pro @ 648/1408
      PSU: Thermaltake 500w
      SC: Audigy 2 zs
      LCD: 22' Samsung 225bw
      Speakers: Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 Ultra
      Mouse: Logitech G5


      • #4
        There are plenty of threads here about overclockin' Athlons on nForce2 mobo's but here goes again. Raise the core voltage 0.1v, lower the multiplier to 10 and raise the FSB to 200 and that will give ya similar performance to an XP2800+. If things run smoothly {depending on what HSF ya usin' and how good ya case's airflow is} then raise the multiplier another 0.5.


        • #5
          See, here's the thing Wiggo. There may be lots of posts here about overclocking Athlons, but as a newb, I thought that the motherboard was the the bigger issue in overclocking, not the CPU. You need to cut people like me a little slack in the overclocking knowledge area, because we frequently don't even know what question to ask, never mind how to search for the information on other posts... Please try to remember what it was like when you first got interested in something you knew nothing about...and you were surrounded by peopel who new it all.

          Please let me know if my stupid questions get to be too much for you., Us newbs will be happy to go search out another site that is more user friendly...



          • #6
            nForce2 chipset mobo's are all very much the same even down to the BIOS's they use with very little differin' from one brand to another. Sure some brands add little things to make their's slightly different to others but its the core features that don't change. Another thing is startin' threads like this, "Since no one is interested in answering my post..", ain't goin' to earn ya any brownie points and likely to irritate many plus this bein' a major holiday season means that replies will be slow in some cases and ya should show more patience.


            • #7
              Wiggo, maybe you or someone else could put a Stick Thread on how to overclock Athlon XP's on a nForce2, since it is a fairly common question.


              • #8
                There's a couple of things wrong with me doin' that;
                1/ I'm not a writer.
                2/ I just don't have the time atm or in the next few months.
                But if ya willin' to start on it I could try and make time to add to it though there are several doz. threads here that explain the basics of what's needed to be done.

                P.S. Remember also that there are several pre version 2.0 mobo's out there that can't operate at 200MHz FSB speeds and Darth's probably had more experience with more models of nForce2 mobo's than I've had (and Soverign even). :cheers:

