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overclock 2.4c [merged threads]

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  • overclock 2.4c [merged threads]

    recently bought a asus p4c800 e mobo, a P4 2.6c processor and 2 *256mb ocz 4200 performance memory and ive got a stable overclock to 3200mhz with no probs and mem at 2.5 4 6 4 and was wondering what else i could do and whats this about dividers.

    thanx in advance

    edit: I also get 144 fps in quake 3 when i run
    timedemo 1
    demo demo001

    on fastest configuration

  • #2


    • #3
      Essentially you'll get the best performance if you have PC3200 or PC3500 with fast timings. BH5 RAM, as mentioned in the other article, can run timings of 2-2-2-5, which is incredible fast. CH5 (the newer stuff), usually runs 2-3-2-6 timings. A little slower, but its still not that bad. Higher speed RAM, such as PC3700 and PC4000 runs at 3-4-4-8. Although it looks good in benchmarks, in games and what not its pretty slow. So, your best bet is to get some quick RAM and o/c in 5:4 ratio, so that the RAM still runs at 200MHz with its low timings, but your CPU and everything else runs on a 250Mhz FSB. I know OCZ PC3500 Platinum is BH5 RAM, not sure what else is. Someone else with more info should answer that though :thumb: . Good luck and happy o/cing, : peace2: Mista K6


      • #4
        i love my corsair pc-4000 (512mb) it overclocks to 274mhz no higher (at 2.8v highest mobo will allow) at 3-4-4-8 timmings, but if i were to buy again, id probably get OCZdual chan gold or corsair pc4400


        • #5
          mista, i cant believe you wrote that ..!!! no way man,!!! never change your cpu/bus ratio 1:1 is ALWAYS the BEST . 5:4 isnt good timming because it doesnt allow enough system throughput plus you have your processor holding onto data for extra cycles because its not at a sycronouse rate (1:1) waiting for the ram to catch up, in every benchmark the timmings dont make enough differance to offset the fact that your losing 50mhz... just my :2cents:


          • #6
            Actually runnin' fast timed PC3200-3500 @ 5:4 when overclockin' is better than runnin' slow timed PC4000 (which is very slow timed) @ 1:1 as most gamin' benchmarks will show (forget about Sandra as its only a static test and not real world). Bandwidth is one thing but high latencies is another.


            • #7
              i recently bought a asus p4c800 e mobo, a P4 2.6c processor and 2 *256mb ocz 4200 performance memory and ive got a stable overclock to 3200mhz with no probs and mem at 2.5 4 6 4and was wondering what else i could do and whats this about dividers.

              thanx in advance

              edit: I also get 144 fps in quake 3 when i run
              timedemo 1
              demo demo001

              on fastest configuration


              • #8
                This is the stats


                • #9
                  Zerokool i got a p4c800 e mobo could you tell me how you overclocked in the bios ?



                  • #10
                    <center>Thread Merged
                    :devil: </center>


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by baks_79
                      Zerokool i got a p4c800 e mobo could you tell me how you overclocked in the bios ?

                      Go into the Advanced section of ya BIOS then into CPU Configuration then ya'll see A1 Overclocker Tuner, set this to Manual and all the overclockin' options will appear.


                      • #12
                        Thanx but how do i go about speeding things up because i get lockups at 250mhz for memory and im runnin 2.85vdimm but i aint changed the cpu voltage and when i get into windows it locks up.


                        • #13
                          These are the sresults so far


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by baks_79
                            Thanx but how do i go about speeding things up because i get lockups at 250mhz for memory and im runnin 2.85vdimm but i aint changed the cpu voltage and when i get into windows it locks up.
                            Did that core raise to 1.6v help? If ya still have stability probs then go to 1.6v. Ya shouldn't really need anymore voltage to the memory for 250MHz though. I have my 2.4C at 3.24GHz with 1.65v but with the standard Intel HSF I'm startin' to have heat/stability probs if I go further so when I get the time I'll swap the V7+ from my 2.4B over and then see how much further it'll go.


                            • #15
                              ive increased the vcore and upped the memory to 250mhz what else can i do to make the system go faster and whats the turbo mode in the bios of my asus also can i use "dividers"


