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Tweak bios for speedier ram ?

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  • Tweak bios for speedier ram ?

    Hello guy's,
    Can someone tell me what are the typical settings you would change in the bios to up the speed of your ram ?? Or overclock ?

    Ive got an asus p4s533-e motherboards, cpu p4 - 2.4b with 1024mb pc2700 ram, geforce fx5700 graphics and windows xp,,,,also what would the settings be changed from and to ?

  • #2
    Well ya likely won't be able to overclock ya memory but raisin' the FSB will not only get ya CPU workin' harder but also get the memory closer to runnin' at its spec'd speed.


    • #3
      Yep, that'll work. Just make sure you don't want to clock the memory too high, though...or your CPU, for that matter. Make sure you don't clock anything too high without proper cooling.

      FBS settings are under Frequency & Voltage controls for me, though it might be different for some of you guys.


      • #4
        what should i have the core voltage at and how far is it safe - ish to clock the cpu up to without any added cooling but the normal intel cooler ???
        Its a P4, 2.4b i have... plus the voltage was at 1.5v to start with.

        Also, I cant seem to be able to get much above 2.52 without the pc cutting out, is this about right for a machine with no added cooling ?



        • #5
          A 0.1v increase should be good to start with and should get it to go further but don't exceed 1.75v. I get 2.71GHz outa my 2.4B but many others will get close to 3GHz but that's not to say how much ya'll get from your's. Also make sure that ya have the AGP/PCI buses locked at 66/33.


          • #6
            how do i lock the pci/agp bus's ???
            And are those speeds etc your quoting obtained with standard or non standard cooling ?

            I just tried 3dmark 2003 pro and got a result of 3366, hows that measure up ?


            • #7
              Just readin' ya manual and it isn't clear if ya can lock them but if so it'll be under CPU/PCI Frequency but ya must set the CPU Speed to Manual to access it. Some ppl have got there with the stand Intel HSF while others have needed better HSF's to get there.


              • #8
                I dont think i see those options for locking in my bios setup ????

                Plus i think i would definetly have to lock them cause as soon as i tweak it up just a little say even 0.5ghz its causing the system to become unstable...


                • #9
                  As I said in my last post I don't think that ya can with that SiS chipset after readin' the manual for your mobo (if fact I'm lookin' at the manual again right now and things still don't seem any clearer). But this is the part taken from the manual below that I'm referin' to though someone with first hand knowledge on this mobo maybe of better help.


                  • #10
                    Cheers anyway's wiggo mate for yer help...

                    Looks like iam fooked then, correct ?? :shrug:

                    Anyway, whats a few good bios and xp tweaks to help speed up all my bits, any idea's ?

                    :cheers: :cheers:


                    • #11
                      Over at is a very good BIOS Optimisation Guide and there are 2 very good XP Guides right here


                      • #12
                        Thanks wiggo....


                        • #13
                          wiggo mate, is that rojakpot site a pay site, i had a quick look and it looks that way, is it ?? maybe its just the 1am beer kicking in, lol,


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by glasgowscot
                            is that rojakpot site a pay site, i had a quick look and it looks that way, is it ??
                            nah, you just had to scoll down past all of that subsciption stuff to get to the 'free' version (pay good money for a sinlge guide?? :confused: )

                            here's a direct link:


                            • #15
                              ok, i see it now, cheers.............

