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Fsb speed maiking Proc run hot?

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  • Fsb speed maiking Proc run hot?

    Hi all, was just wondering, can higher FSB speeds make the CPU run hotter? cause right now I have the multiplier set at 13 with the vCore at 1.6.(lowest) I thought this would make the proc run cooler as opposed to using a higher multiplier lower fsb setting.
    But on my rig it doesnt. Or is there something im missing? My proc runs at 35 degress celsius with a house fan pointed at it.(I know, my new case should be here anyday) with off house fan off it'll stall on 3DMark03. is there another reason my proc is getting so hot? could be my POS ram? Thats why I posted that question about RAM degration, cause it didnt always run this hot.

    hope someone can shed some light on this for me, cause im bout to call it quits and get an intel based rig:D cause I hear they run cooler.

  • #2
    Your memory will not make ya CPU run hotter but extra core voltage, higher FSB and that video card will (also a dust fill HSF) but ya neglect to state what HSF ya usin' (crappy retail one or something decent) and whether that CPU is a Thoroughbred A or a Thoroughbred B (to find out which if ya don't know then click here but we really need some better details to go on).


    • #3
      my HSF is a aerocool glacier 2. brand new, the temps did go down about a degree or two. but nothing major. the vCore is set at its lowest, 1.6. as far as my proc goes I didnt feel like pulling the HSF off atm, but can you tell me the difference between A and B anyways?

      And my video card?? that will make the proc run hotter? how?
      I could understand if theres bad case flow... but I'm using a house fan atm. I dont know, maybe I'm just crazy, but 50+ degrees seems hot to me.


      • #4
        The T'bred A wasn't very good as an overclocker and does run warm when compared to the T'bred B but that HSF that ya have doesn't do much better than the stock retail HSF even if it is made of copper (likely because the fins are to close together for proper airflow) plus ASUS mobo's of that vintage were known for reportin' temps higher than they were so get something like a CompuNurse up against the side of the core to double check those temps.


        • #5
          :( Im using an aerogate 2. I have the temp sensor inbetween the proc and HS. thats where i get my temp from.
          And your telling me my new HSF is crap:snip: well, at least it has a pretty blue fan..hehe:rofl:

          and my mobo is a piece a crap to huh? I was thinkin about gettin one of those DFI lanparty boards. are they decent for OC?


          • #6
            Ahh.. "crap" wasn't mentioned but there are better ones out there and as to the DFI Lanparty I personally havn't used one but most reports say they overclock well though most nForce2 based mobo's are good overclockers anyway.


            • #7
              yeah dude! upgrade to a A7N8X dlx good solid m/b with great o/cing features!

