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new p4 3.4 ghz

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  • new p4 3.4 ghz

    i want to get a 3.4 ghz p4 chip for my new system, but i was wondering how much i can get out of it with a volcano 7+ or a similar HSF unit. My goal is to break the chip in then maby get it to 3.8 ghz. This would also be my first time o/cing so if some one could help me with this, thanks, o btw i would also use pc3200 ram kingston or XMS.

  • #2
    How much money do you plan on using on your new machine? I have a p4 2.4 that i'm going to oc to like 3.4.


    • #3
      Well, those new p4s are supposed to reach your desired speed on stock cooling, so Im sure you could squeeze even more out of them with your cooling.


      • #4
        You can very likely do 3.8Ghz on air with a 3.4NW but I wouldn't use any heatsink from Thermaltake to do it.

        Look at Thermalright.

        But if I were you I would get a 3.4E (Prescott) as it is for one, the same price, and two easily overclockable to 4Ghz + on air. I've seen 4.2 so far on air.


        • #5
          the prescott is the same price?!!. hell let me get one of those, and thermaltake is bad? who makes a killer HSF then? i thought you were joking about the thermalright because i never have seen them before but i went to there page and they do make a killer heatsink, i like the sp94 but can you get a fan for them? o and seph asked how much i was going to spend its probably going to be 1850 with every thing. o btw is a 465 watt psu from emermax good for my next pc?


          • #6
            Yeah stick with Thermalright for a beast like that. The Prescotts are getting a bit warmer than the Northwoods...

            Yeah get a good 92mm fan for it. I would look at Panaflo, they have fans that push a lot of air with less noise.

            Put in in an ASUS P4C800E Deluxe...or non deluxe if you don't need those options, but thats the only board so far I have seen good results from, a lot of the other boards have some sort of problem with running these new chips.


            • #7
              soul when i get my computer can you help me "tweak/tune" it so i can get the best preformance out of it. I want to get some where around 20,000-24,000 for 3dmark01 you think i can do it with your help?


              • #8
                20k will be very easy with a 9800XT...I think 3.4E + 9800XT will do 20k stock.

                I'm not around a lot so I can't say I will help you tweak and tune though...hell, I did all of that stuff by myself, thats how I learned...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Soulburner
                  but I wouldn't use any heatsink from Thermaltake to do it.

                  Look at Thermalright.
                  I last week used ya Vantec AeroFlow (your fav toy) and quite frankly I know that ya've never personally used the Volcano 7+ (temps 3C worse off on Athlons and 2C worse off on a P4C against the V7+ on medium speed plus I found no difference in noise levels and I've always stated that bi-metal heatsinks pretty much suck) but why put ppl onto something that maybe well out of their budget (up to 2x cost of a V7+ plus the cost of a fan that is noisier to get optimum performance) ? :?:


                  • #10
                    3.4E e-being the prescott?, i was reading on some where eles that the prescott is slower than the old 3.4 is this bs?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by chriscorv5
                      3.4E e-being the prescott?, i was reading on some where eles that the prescott is slower than the old 3.4 is this bs?
                      Well it scales differently, when you compare both chips at 3.2 the Prescott barely manages to break even, however when you clock past 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, etc, it gains more speed and surpasses a NW running at the same clocks. This is Intel's master plan and is working exactly like the Northwoods did when they were introduced.

                      And Wiggo, no one was talking about budget here, he is obviously looking into a high end processor in which only high end cooling would be best to get the most out of it.

