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Question from a stump

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  • Question from a stump

    Just bought a Gigabyte n700 pro2 board, 512 mb pc3200 and what was advertised as an"unlocked AMD 2600+".

    Im trying to over clock the CPU. I'm not sure what im doing wrong. When I set the FSB in bios to 200 and the dip switchs on the MB to Auto, the system will not boot. it acts like there is no ATX power to the board (no keyboard light, does not hit the video card) Only thing I can do is clear cmos and start over.

    Right now my system info (from XP) shows that im running an AMD 2600+ @ 2.09mhz. Would this be the normal frequency? or am I getting some added performance.

    Please supply any input you may have. I don't want to melt it down, but I was told this "unlocked" 2600 would POST and run at 3200 and would like to get there.

    Thanks so much

  • #2
    Well i could be wrong but 200 to me is a way bit to much for that. you also got to mess with the multiplier if it's unlocked for what i have understood on O'Cing. I don't mess with all that stuff to much. But have nothing to brag about for a system though.


    • #3
      Your actually out a few MHz there Should be 2133MHz.

      As for your OC, thats WAY to big. your default FSB is 133. How did you expect to get 200 outa it? Do it in small increments of 2-3MHz each time. You could do 5 when you start out, but as you get higher, lower it. Youll likely need a voltage increase. Read the AMD OCing guide.


      • #4
        I have never used your MOBO, can you change mult. in BIOS? If you can't set your MOBO to the stock setting for that chip, I think 15.5. Run your fsb up slowly. 200 fsb is not out of the question at all!! I have a barton 2500 that will post and run stable as running stock fsb at 200, and post XP3200, benchmarks at 3200 speeds. It will run stable to 207 fsb! Have a XP 1800 that will run (NOT STABLE) at 220 fsb but stable at 215, that is 2.473ghz! Sisoft drystone ALU 9568!! I have 2 xp 2100's that will run 200 fsb, two xp 2000's that if you turn the fsb up by 5 they will not run. One XP 1600 that clocks better than the 2000's but nothing near my good chips. Look at the stepping codes and search the net. See if anyone else if running the same codes and dates. Good luck. You have come to the right place for help, I too am new to overclocking (about two years) there is a lot of very knowledgeable people here. Geat forums!!!


        • #5
          THG is a bit out of date with that article. Most 2600+ t-breds have a 333 (166 mhz) fsb and run at 2.08 ghz. So if he's getting 2.09 ghz he's right were he should be.

          And if his mobo unlocks the multiplier for him, he should be able to hit a 200 mhz fsb without much of a problem. That looks like an nforce2 mobo, so it should.

          Overclocking it huge steps like that is a very bad idea. You take smalls steps, a few mhz at a time; adjusting the multiplier and voltage when nessesary. It is impossible to tell exactly what every individual CPU will OC to. Take your time and do it right. There are many, many threads on this topic already; i suggest you search the forums and read some of them.

          Good luck


          • #6
            A 200MHz FSB is very possible but ya likely didn't lower the multiplier (start at 10 and then go up by 0.5 at a time), also raise the core voltage by 0.1v.

