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I have a question about spontanious reboots with win xp

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  • I have a question about spontanious reboots with win xp

    I'm running win xp pro and I have it overclocked at 240 mhz this is the highest it will go without it rebooting. I have no clue what's going on. If anyone has any imput on this please get back to me.

  • #2
    computer specs wouldbe nice.. :wink:

    EDIT: and I dont see why this would be under windows..


    • #3
      Originally posted by wily5150
      I have no clue what's going on.
      Maybe you shouldn't be overclocking without a bit more knowledge.....


      • #4
        What do you mean this shouldn't be under windows? What should it be under? overclocking? No. Windows is rebooting. And that answer to the second reply is I know what I'm doing with the overclocking. It's the rebooting that I don't know about.!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • #5
          but its overclocked...OCing normally causes this if you push it too far...

          system specs still help!!!!!!!

          and if you know what your doing, then whys is windows rebooting on you? huh huh?! do ya!?!? :roll:

          my WXP did thi when i put in my new PSU as it didnt supply the same voltage to the memory as my old one i had to crop my memory timings down some to stop it from happening...mine kicked off every 4-6 hours, no matter what i was doing, idle, load, etc....


          • #6
            I see no evidence showing that you know much about overclocking.
            If you overclock too far, Windows (or whatever OS) can reboot "randomly"...
            If you don't know about rebooting, then you don't know about overclocking...
            If Windows reboots only after overclocking to a certain point, obviously you know what's causing it. Whether you need more power or lower temperatures is what you have to figure it out. Both of are almost completely unrelated to Windows.

            If you actually need help with something, you're going to have to give us a little more to go with. Your processor, motherboard/chipset, RAM, PSU, cooling and temperatures, video card, etc. Hell, we don't even know for sure what your overclocking, 240MHz could be several things. :D

