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NEWB, Mobile Athlon XP 2400+ running at 800MHz

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  • NEWB, Mobile Athlon XP 2400+ running at 800MHz

    This is the first time I have tried to do anything remotely close to overclocking. I was ready to upgrade my cpu and I had read a number of different articles on how the mobile athlon xp cpus were very easy to use in a desktop. I needed to stick with a 266 FSB cpu because that is what my motherboard supports. I wanted at least a 2Ghz cpu and the barton core came with 512K cache instead of the 256K cache. The articles stated that running a mobile athlon xp at 1.65V versus the rated 1.45V will give me approx. the 2GHz I was looking for. I removed my old 1700+ from my Gigabyte GA-7VTXE+ motherboard and installed the new cpu with an Arctic Cooling heat sink and fan and booted up the system and XP recognized it as a Mobile Athlon XP running at 800MHz. I also checked AMD's CPUINFO program and it read the same thing. Is there something I am doing wrong with my setup that is causing the cpu to run at 800MHz instead of 1.8GHz (rated) or 2Ghz? Or did I just receive a bum cpu from my distributor?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am ready to send the cpu back to the distributor for an exchange or maybe an Athlon XP 2400+ desktop cpu and forgo the overclocking.


  • #2
    OK, I am probably showing how much of a newb I am, but I just read one of those articles I mentioned in my earlier post and noticed that the author cleared the CMOS before booting up the new cpu. He also mentioned that he cleared the CMOS several times because of overclocking failures. Do I need to clear the CMOS when changing cpus or when trying to overclock a cpu?

    Again, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


    • #3
      you may just need to go into your BIOS and manually set the multiplier. because if you set it to autop it will automatically set itself to use 800mhz to boot up..

      since the system stifled by being a 266mhz FSB you will be able to up the multiplier from 7*266 which I think is default [someone else correct me if I am wrong].

      8*266 should be no problem with air cooling IMHO.. as long as the HSF is attached properly.


      • #4
        Hey, thanks for your advice and assistance. I did some more research and found out that my motherboard doesn't support overclocking, at least not without some more involved modifications that I am not ready to under take at this time. I believe I'll start looking for a more overclocking friendly motherboard to play around with. Thanks again!

